DEVELOPMENT OF URBAN PLANS STOPPED: Vesić and Stojčić spoke with concerned citizens of Vračar


The residents of this municipality and the president Dr. Milan Nedeljković, expressed their concern about the “investment urbanism”, which proposes urban plans without taking into account the protection of the historic center. For this reason, the citizens’ proposal to stop the development of urban plans in this part of the city was adopted.

As the association representatives pointed out, the announcement of the plan for the blockade between Krunska, Smiljanićeva and Njegoševa, about which “Novosti” wrote two days ago, is especially problematic. Vesić and Stojčić ordered the immediate suspension of the development of detailed regulatory plans in the territory of Vračar until the development of the General Regulatory Plan of the City of Belgrade is completed, which will be adopted in late 2021.

– Until the adoption of the General Regulatory Plan of the City of Belgrade, we will stop the development of all detailed regulatory plans for the municipality of Vracar, and currently five plans are under development – Vesić said. – We will not allow all investors in Vracar to do what they want, as in the period 1993-2016. when they allowed the construction of a building that looks like a Lego cube in the middle of Krunska Street, which completely disrupted the historic core of Vracar.

Vesić recalled that the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments of the City of Belgrade is expected to complete the project of declaring the Crown of the Crown as a cultural and historical whole. In this way, the historic core of Vracar will be protected.

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