DETERMINED CITIZEN PROTECTOR: Social workers could have prevented the Leskovac massacre


The statement from the Ombudsman’s Office indicates that the protection of users was not achieved “in accordance with the norms and standards of professional work,” for which reason it was requested to determine the responsibility of the authorities in the mentioned centers and the ministry.

The Protector of Citizens asked the Bojnik and Leskovac centers to take measures without delay to eliminate the identified omissions so that similar errors do not occur in the future, but also to determine the personal responsibility of professional workers and managers in those centers.

The competent ministry was also asked to examine the employee’s personal responsibility, because it did not take any action for three years, despite the Bojnik center asking for professional help. The Protectora de Ciudadanos determined that the competent social work centers “did not initiate any procedure for the purpose of protection against domestic violence, nor for the purpose of depriving the parents during the nine years of work with the family” in which tragedy occurred.

– The Bojnik center received the first information on violence and abuse of children in the family back in 2011 in the Leskovac General Hospital report, where it was noted that during the examination, traces of physical punishment of a child were found. In the same year, the center drew up a service plan for the family and the child, but until 2015, there are no traces of the work of the guardianship authorities in the protection of children, as well as reports of domestic violence – it is stated in the ad.

This center did not take action even after learning that children often leave home, due to the violence they suffer. The ombudsman was unable to determine why the children left foster care and returned to their biological family.


In a rented house in the center of Leskovac, at the beginning of May this year, Miloš Ilić (20), from the village of Granica, killed his father Predrag (45), his stepmother Danijela Radojković (43), his sister Ana ( 19), that she was pregnant. , and a twelve-year-old half-sister. Only Miloš’s seventeen-year-old brother, who was not at home at the time of the bloody party, survived this massacre.

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