DETAILS OF THE TRAGEDY OF DORĆOL Iván (52) who died yesterday after falling from the 12th floor of the building suffered PERSECUTION MANIA


Yesterday, apparently, a man fell from a building in the very center of Belgrade. The man hung up on the building first and passersby who saw him called an ambulance.

The fire department received a report from a man on the roof of Pančićeva street in the old town at 11:43 am

In accordance with established procedure, nine firefighters were dispatched to the scene with a naval rescue vehicle with airbag and escalator.

The teams arrived at the scene at 11:52 a.m. Badly parked cars around the building made intervention difficult as it was not possible to place the escalator and the car airbag in a suitable place.

In accordance with procedure, the firefighters climbed to the roof and began preparations for a safe descent to the area where it was in danger. These preparations include securing anchors and tying down firefighters with climbing gear. At the end of the preparations, as the firefighter climbed over the fence, to help the man, he fell from the position he was in.

Photo: Oliver Bunić / RAS Serbia

Ivan T. (52), who fell from the 12th floor of an apartment building, suffered from a persecution mania, said his close relative, writes “Pink.” He had his own apartment, but for unknown reasons he slept in different places.

It is presumed that the man woke up suddenly, because of his illness he thought someone was chasing him, so in an attempt to escape he unconsciously fell from one floor to another, and then into the abyss. According to the prosecutor’s order, an autopsy of the body will be carried out to determine if the man was under the influence of opiates, drugs, alcohol.

“He didn’t feel safe, so he ran away from the apartment.”

The police spoke with his brother, who told them that Ivan had had mental problems for a long time, writes “Novosti”.

– My brother said that Ivan kept saying they were chasing him. Because of this, he rarely stayed in his apartment. He didn’t feel safe there, so he ran away. He also said that Ivan knew how to fall asleep in strange places – said the interlocutor.

How did it get to the ceiling?

However, it is still unknown where it came from on the roof of that building and how it entered.

None of the few tenants we spoke to, who live in that and the surrounding buildings, know him. It is not clear to anyone how he climbed to the roof, considering that the door to that passage is closed.

– Everyone wonders how it got there. He was lying on the canopy over the last apartment and fell from there. I was in the kitchen, when I heard someone yell “no, no no” and then a thud.

Photo: Oliver Bunić / RAS Serbia

Ivana T. was noticed by a resident of the neighboring building lying on the canopy and called the police. She appeared to be asleep, although from time to time she moved her dangling arms or legs. When the firefighters and rescuers arrived and almost approached him to save him, he turned around and fell from the canopy onto the terrace on the 12th floor. Despite the firefighters shouting “lie down, lie down”, Ivan turned again, rolled sideways and fell to the concrete from a height of about 40 meters.

VIDEO: Suicide in Dorcol: A man jumped off a building
