Details of the tragedy near Požarevac: “Nikola was a wonderful child, only tears are heard in his house”



29.08.2020. 18:58

The boy grew up in Austria and returned to Serbia last summer. He didn’t want to go there for a trade, but here, acquaintances of the injured teen say.


Engine, Photo: Shutterstock

Nikola M. (16) from the village of Beranje near Požarevac died from injuries sustained in a car accident in his village, when he was hit by a “jaguar” while riding a motorcycle, driven by SM (43) from Sirakovo near by Veliki Gradišta. The teenager was driving a “Yamaha”, and a “Jaguar” is suspected of hitting his motorcycle on a slight curve. It is possible that the driver of the “Jaguar” made a phone call, lost control and crossed into the opposite lane.

Due to the force of the impact, the teenager, when it was determined that he had a protective helmet, fell from the engine, and the fact that he flew a few meters also attests to how violent the impact was.

The minor suffered head injuries and was immediately transferred to Belgrade, but died shortly after admission, while the driver of the “Jaguar” was detained. The investigation must determine all the circumstances of the accident. The engine and the “Jaguar” were sent for an extraordinary technical inspection, and the mobile phone for an expert examination.

The teenager died at the Tirsova University Children’s Clinic in Belgrade. Immediately after learning that Nikola was seriously injured, the teenager’s father and grandmother, who work in Austria, set out for Beranje.

There is only crying at home. Nikola was truly a wonderful child. Recently, on August 3, he celebrated his 16th birthday. – add our interlocutors.

Nikola lived in the village with his grandfather Predrag and his great-grandmother, and his parents are in Austria.

He was very attached to his grandfather, who constantly took him hunting. His parents married him young, they gave birth to him and two daughters. Nikola is the youngest. The parents got divorced. They both live in Austria and Nicole’s father remarried. – say the locals of this town of Požarevac.

The boy grew up in Austria and returned to Serbia last summer.

I didn’t want to go there instead, but heree – acquaintances of the injured teenager say and add that “Nikola had many plans and that he was prevented from carrying them out due to the carelessness of the older driver.”
