DETAILS OF THE RESCUE IN THE ĐERDAP Gorge Inexperienced mountaineers from Belgrade went for a walk through the dense forest without a lamp, and then it got dark …


Members of the Mountain Rescue Service successfully completed the rescue operation last night and removed four people who were lost near Veliki Štrpce in the Đerdap gorge.

These are mountaineers from Belgrade who were walking through the forest, but most likely due to a poor assessment of the weather, when they were caught in the dark, they could not find the way on their own, so they called members of the GSS for help and they immediately went to the field.

Four mountaineers, including a woman and three men, came to the lookout, and considering that there is a dense hornbeam forest and uniform relief nearby, at one point they realized that they could not return in the dark without help.

By the way, the mountaineers who got lost did not have much experience, they did not have lamps, but they were sober and kept in telephone contact with the GSS members all the time and followed their instructions.

They were successfully taken out around 10pm last night and none of them were injured.

The rescue operation lasted about an hour and a half.

Rescuers from Bor station came out in the rescue operation, and a firefighter from Kladovo and a forester from Djerdap National Park assisted.
