BELGRADE – A conversation was held with the PB at the official police station regarding yesterday’s incident in front of the Assembly.
A man from PB (1979) crossed the protective fence in front of the main entrance of the House of the National Assembly with a jeep around 2:25 pm yesterday and was arrested shortly after.
As it turned out, he was questioned by the police, and on that occasion he stated that with the incident he committed yesterday he wanted to draw attention to himself, mainly the police and the authorities.
He believes, as he said, that his security has been threatened lately by the conspirators of globalism. He allegedly exposes worldwide conspiracies, claims that he is threatened through networks, He did not say who was threatening him and said that he had been using narcotics in combination with alcohol for a long time. We remind you that in the drug test that was done after the incident, it was determined that PB was under the influence of narcotics.
After the conversation in the police, by order of the competent prosecutor, the suspect was arrested for the criminal act of violent conduct.
(Kurir.rs/TV Pink / MM)

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