Details of the horror in Savamala: more visible wounds on the body of an anonymous young man, one thing is not clear to anyone



01.09.2020. 21:45 – 01.09.2020. 21:54

The body of an unknown man was removed today around 4.30 pm in Savamala, just below the Old Sava Bridge.

A corpse

Corpse, Photo:

It is about a young man, between 20 and 30 years old, who was found in his underwear, and had bandages on both his ankles and feet.

According to the first information, the body of the currently unknown man has not been in the water for a long time. It is not known who saw the body, nor did they report the case to the police, and eyewitnesses say they only found out what happened when the police arrived at the scene.

– We saw the body when the police arrived and when they pulled it out of the water with ropes. Before that, we didn’t know anything was going on, nor did we see anyone jumping or anything like that. We don’t even know who reported the body was in the river – says one of the fishermen who was nearby.

The body of the young man has wounds of unknown origin on both hands. His right arm is swollen and in an unnatural position, so the possibility that it is broken cannot be ruled out. As is unofficially known, a live wound and a star tattoo were noticed on him.

A corpse

Corpse, Photo:

Significant injuries to the head of the deceased were noted in the area of ​​the temples, as well as the fact that at some point blood flowed from his nose.

The police team conducted an investigation and the body was brought in for an autopsy.
