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Svasta, 100000eura 100000euro, people are very jealous. There are people who have much more money in accounts, drawers, batteries. Who cares where it is kept and where it comes from, thieves must be found and severely punished. And everyone can win 100,000 euros or a million or not
A very easy case to solve if the police want to solve it. I don’t think more than three or four people knew about money. The detector is fine and will hit the dump truck and then the executors.
Serbs understand everything … in politics of course … in medicine they are all biologists, chemists and doctors and they know everything about vaccines and diseases … now they are also financial experts so they all know how money is given and who …
ahahhaa … jooj Srbadijo
Very possible
Maybe someone typed it and maybe he wrote it himself …
Hollywood robbery
History has nothing to do with the brain!
Private detective
This is a suspicious story, the person who was robbed is definitely part of the story. Who normally takes that much money the day before and takes it home?
retired grandfather
If someone rings my doorbell and introduces himself as a cop, should I lie down or hit him like a sieve?
Now it is good to question the banker, who gave you the loan …
here it is not known who to trust
:: Do not believe in yourself either, it is the motto and the time has come for the brothers of your neighbors to be relatives and friends, I’m going here I’m not bread
It’s not the point where it came from, the point where the robbery was committed! You could easily ask for a loan from the bank in the amount of 25,000 euros, and the rest can be savings.
That is why an 8 mm chain is manufactured from the inside of the door, made of special steel for towing boats, lifting heavy loads that cannot be cut with scissors … It is placed from one wall to another where it hangs when someone calls … Get the police and see for yourself!
Legal persons also receive loans in the account and cannot withdraw such a large amount of money in the bag, they have to justify such a large amount of cash.
How stupid a man must be to have more bags in the house! there are credit cards and everything can be paid with them in addition to transferring money from account to account if you want to buy an apartment.
It seems that banks had to come up with this scenario because people started withdrawing money and savings in droves.
You’re talking nonsense. A person cannot get a cash loan from the bank for that amount. The house is paid directly to the seller’s account, and cash loans reach a maximum of 20,000 euros. The only thing is that he took a cash loan guaranteed by a deposit, which I doubt.
Take out another loan .. Do you have experience ?!
And how can you raise that money in a bank with a loan? Even if it’s so the apartment doesn’t switch from one account to another?
Today, it is not safe to carry more than a few thousand dinars in your pocket, much less have it at home. When I bought the car for 1000e, I kindly transferred it to the man’s account and it arrived in a second. Now, who lives in smaller areas where you cannot pay with a card, does not have an ATM, let it manage.
Absolutely, so we have the culprit, and that is Alamunja and his people
Only in Serbia does a bank employee have to write this for you
What are you talking about people, 2 years ago I took out a loan for an apartment, I am a programmer, I had 20% to participate then, I took out a loan for 120,000 euros, but right away at the bank I took out dinars in euros, and those euros to the seller of the apartment , and him at the counter that we put on your account, we don’t take home. So the banks give in hand!
We broke
We, as a nation, explode when it is more important to you where the 100,000 figure comes from and whether or not the bank gives that money, than why and how it was stolen.
I can’t believe people ask stupid questions, where does their money come from, can’t they get up that much, etc., and no one blames the thieves and those who tip the bank workers. In other newspapers it is written that a man is dedicated to construction, he is not a natural person, so he has a company, he can ask for a loan from a company.
@Tele @Government and others like you
Are you two and people like you aware that there are those who make good money without being part of a party or thieves? Well, we don’t all work to the minimum! Maybe the man is a programmer. Their salaries amount to more than 300,000 a month, I personally know, and they are not few as you think.
Someone from the bank and the royal police and here’s some easy loot.
The task of the banks is to rob the citizens
This is not a problem. It is known with which banker the loan was taken, it is known who was the shift manager, therefore a criminal complaint against the bank, close the bank immediately, inform all citizens of which bank it is and put those responsible prison for damages to the martyr.
No bank has repaid a loan quickly …
First, nowhere does it say cash loan. Second, the man is a construction contractor, so he says, so he has a registered company and can get that amount without a problem.
Lule is angry
For all these skeptics, how much cash, so maybe you picked it up from your safe!
Perhaps perhaps
Maybe the robbed person was a salesperson, he sold the apartment, put money in his account and retired … whatever the report was
Owners of successful businesses may obtain loans that are not available to others, either for the business or in their own name. Banks do this regularly so someone can withdraw a million in cash from the bank. It is completely clear that someone from the bank is involved.
No bank has ever paid anyone a cash loan worth 100,000 euros, as the story goes
Details ?! We really don’t know anything about it.
If you are insured against theft, they will pay for the damages, so it doesn’t matter if the cops were fake or real and how they broke into the apartment so that none of the neighbors would hear them, searched everything, and fled safely …
I’m not sure I can get a euro cash, but the money goes to the account.
Details ?! We really don’t know anything about it.
There are many cases in Lapovo where the police are involved, but what is so strange about that? fish stinks off the head !!
This story is certainly not exactly true, which is why many loans are assigned and are not paid in cash. Maybe someone else took the loan and paid it to the seller’s account and that seller raised the cash, that’s the most realistic thing, although I know from experience that not as much cash is raised. It seems to me that everything is directed.
Well, it was typed by the cashier where you withdrew the money Only the BLIND can’t see that!
The result will drop will solve this
@Test If you are an entrepreneur then you can. Where does it say it is a natural person?
What commitment for that money ?! Let me go too: D
You take out a loan of € 500,000, the bank transfers it to your account, a few months later you pay the loan with a bag, then you buy from this € 500,000 account and it is called money laundering! And nobody knows that you paid the loan with a bag, of course, except you are in the bank! “
There is no cash loan of 100,000 euros. Less than two, it doesn’t have to be someone from the bank branch, it can be someone from the management, it could be someone from the credit bureau because they have an idea of everything … but, again, a cash loan of 100,000! euros is a hollow story!
@Milos Live in a fairy tale! Everything is possible here!
The home loan is not given by hand but is paid in dir. to the bank account. Someone is lying here …