DETAILS OF THE BIRTHDAY WHERE THE SWIMMER IN THE POOL HIT THE GUESTS: The children got drunk, the owner forbade them to take a bath, and then took the hammer in their hands


Another child was injured, kept under observation at the Neurosurgery Clinic.

My son told me that he only felt the blow and that he passed out. I saw that he had a dent on the left side of his skull, where he was injured. They described him last night, we were in the hospital this morning, I couldn’t see him, but the doctors told me he was stable, says AA, the 17-year-old father of NA, who was seriously injured last night at a birthday party at the pool in Niška Banja.

According to the first reports, the owner of the IM pool (43) hit him on the head with a hammer, for which he was arrested, and is accused of inflicting serious and life-threatening bodily injuries.

The young man went with two friends from the class to celebrate the eighteenth birthday of his friend from school, which was organized by his mother in Niška Banja.

– They left around 6 in the afternoon, we expected them to return when they informed me that my son was attacked by the owner of that pool. I don’t know what exactly happened, supposedly some kids got drunk so he wanted to chase them away. I’m not sure why he attacked my son and he’s so brutal. He also hurt his friend, hit him. The most important thing for me is that my son is well, but it is important that other parents know what is happening in those places, that their children do not go there – said the worried man.

II, mother Ђ. I., another teenager who was also a victim of the pool attack, said she had minor injuries than her friend.

– He received blows to the head, for which they did a scan and kept him under observation at the Neurosurgery Clinic. I was in great shock, I was very scared for each other, they are quiet guys and this was terrible for them. From what I heard from my son, the owner of the pool slapped a child, they tried to protect him when he attacked them. I don’t even know how he hit them, my son was unconscious because he fell to the concrete after the hit. I did not sleep all night, I am very worried, I find it incomprehensible that this man attacked the children who were his guests – said the indignant woman.

The first results of the investigation of this fact showed that the owner of the pool tried to shorten the party because he noticed that some teenagers were getting drunk.

– Although they had a different agreement, he told them around 9 at night that there were no bathrooms and asked them to go. She then extended her time until 11.15 pm, but still forbade them to bathe. However, around 10 p.m., she started yelling at them, shouting:

– Salt! He slapped a child, and then, with a hammer and fists, he attacked two young men and seriously injured one, and slightly injured the other, our interlocutors familiar with the status of this case.

As we found out in the Nis Clinical Center, NA is in good general condition after the operation.

– The patient suffered an open skull fracture in the temple area with a bone cleft. He is out of danger after the operation – they said in this health institution.

Police found the owner of the pool at the scene of the incident and immediately arrested him. He was ordered to remain in detention for up to 48 hours, after which he will be brought before the competent prosecutor with a criminal report.


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