Details of the arrest of Albanian terrorist leaders leaked VESELJI BRINGS A GOLDEN SUITCASE TO THE HAGUE


Hashim Thaci learned that November 4 was his last day in the chair of the so-called Kosovo president, a few minutes after 3 in the afternoon.

He was then visited by a representative of the prosecutor in The Hague and informed that the accusation against him had been confirmed and that an arrest warrant had been issued against him.

– Mr. Thaci, you will have the opportunity to volunteer tomorrow at 10 o’clock. If he does not come, if he tries to leave the country or takes some other step to obstruct justice or influence witnesses, he will be immediately arrested – said the representative of the prosecution.

Thaci replied that she would cooperate. He asked that the delivery time be not 10 but 12 hours to fulfill some more obligations. The prosecutor’s representative gave him those two more hours in total.

Thaci demanded a copy of the indictment, but was told that he would receive it when he surrendered. He would later learn that the prosecutor charged him with 98 murders and mistreatment of hundreds of prisoners in the KLA camps, for which he could be sentenced to life imprisonment.

He arrived at the EULEX base at 12:10 pm, but the ten-minute delay, at least according to court records, was not reprimanded. When he entered the base, his attorney, David Hooper, said by phone that he would be Thaci’s defense attorney. Then EULEX staff searched Thaci, and a report later written by Fidemla Donlon, Clerk of the Hague court, stated that nothing had been confiscated from her.

photo: Print screen

A prosecutor informed him of the reasons for his arrest and of his rights. Thaci then heard a familiar text that begins with the words: “You have the right to say nothing. Anything you say can be used against you in court …”

He signed that he understood this.

The transfer to the airport was carried out with the help of an escort team. All those who participated in it were previously tested on kovid-19, which showed a negative result. Still, they all wear masks and gloves. The mask is also provided for Thaci, as well as a hand sanitizer gel.

At 2:10 p.m. the identity of detainee Thaci was confirmed. He was carrying a suitcase that was searched in his presence, as indicated, for flight safety reasons. The items that were separated were packed in a transparent bag and sealed with a code.

Thaci also had a black backpack with personal effects and copies of the Hague documents.

It is noted in the minutes that the plane in which Thaci traveled to The Hague, as well as two of his closest collaborators, Kadri Veseli and Recep Selimi, were previously carefully cleaned and disinfected. From the report published on the court’s website, it can be concluded that the former commanders of the terrorist KLA did not sit together and speak during the two-and-a-half hour flight.

They took off at 3:53 pm

Thaci received food and water and a new mask on the plane. At 5.15 pm, the court clerk informs the embassy of the false state in the Netherlands that the three defendants are heading to The Hague. Refreshments were served again at 6 pm The plane landed at 6:28 pm, and at 7:46 pm Thaci, with a suitcase, backpack and purse, entered the detention unit in Scheveningen.

The manager greets you and informs you about the admission procedure. The clerk of the court, the investigating judge, the president of the court, the ombudsman and the International Committee of the Red Cross were immediately notified.

That same night, Thaci had a video conference with a lawyer.

Veselji didn’t answer the phone.

The day before, at exactly 4.30 p.m., Kadri Veseli had not responded when her phone rang. Ten minutes later, his advisor’s phone rang and he answered.

– A representative of a specialized prosecutor is online. Please tell Mr. Veselija to call immediately – said the official.

After six minutes, attorney Ben Emerson called the prosecutor’s representative and told him to represent Veselija. The defense attorney was told to inform the client that the accusation had been upheld and that he would have the opportunity to turn himself in the next day at 10 pm Emerson was warned that Veselji would be arrested if he tried something inadmissible or did not show up.

At 6:04 p.m., Emerson called again and confirmed that Veselji would come voluntarily. Before the end of the conversation, the prosecution representative reminds Emerson that Veselji must bring his passport.

photo: AP / Peter Dejong

The next day, at the agreed time, at the EULEX base, Veselji became a Hague detainee and discovered that he was on the same indictment with Thaci, Selimi and Jakup Krasniqi, who had been transferred to The Hague the day before. .

He carried a gold-colored suitcase with him, which was inspected and sharp objects were removed from it. He also had two bags with personal belongings, passport, money and items that were left out of the public version of the act.

While he waited for the transfer to the airport, they brought him food and water. They served him again on the plane. Upon his arrival at the detention unit and after the procedure and the conversation with the lawyer, Veselji thanked the head of security for his professionalism and the way he was brought to The Hague.

Rexhep Selimi arrived before the deadline

According to the report, Selimi’s phone rang the day before at the same time as Veseli’s. He didn’t answer either. A representative of the prosecutor in The Hague sent him a message saying that he had important information for him. Selimi reports at 6:45 pm and learns of the confirmed accusation and arrest warrant.

– You have the opportunity to voluntarily surrender tomorrow at nine o’clock – said the representative of the prosecution and added what will be the consequence of a different decision.

“I’ll go,” Selimi replied.

– Don’t forget your passport.

In that conversation, Selimi asked if we could announce that the accusation against him had been upheld. The prosecutor’s representative replied that he did not encourage people to do that, but that it was still his personal decision.

He arrived at the EULEX base even before he had to, a few minutes before nine. After the search, his “iPhone”, wallet and watch were confiscated and everything was placed in the evidence bag. He was informed about the reasons for the arrest and the rights guaranteed by law. They asked him if it was necessary to inform someone about his arrest, and Seljimi replied that it was not necessary.

He packed his things for The Hague in a silver suitcase and a small travel bag. While waiting for the transfer to the airport, he refused to serve. They didn’t want food later on the plane. He only had water and a bar of chocolate.

Krasniqi protested during the arrest.

Jakup Krasniqi was arrested in early November 4, while the other three, at least officially, still did not know about the confirmed accusation. He was the only one who did not have the opportunity to voluntarily surrender. He later complained in the courtroom in The Hague that he had never in his life treated anyone as he had been treated by those who arrested him.

For Krasniqi, the morning started out spectacularly. A representative of the prosecutor, together with EULEX and the Kosovo police, rang the doorbell of his house in Pristina at 6.25. He wasn’t sure the doorbell would ring, so he rang. A representative of the prosecution told him that he had an arrest warrant and later informed him of his rights. The police entered, the house was surrounded and a search began.

photo: Youtube Printscreen

The media in Kosovo, and later in Serbia, soon reported that the police had entered Krasniqi’s home on the orders of the Hague prosecutor’s office. It was still early in the morning when journalists following the work of the new Hague tribunal received an email about the implementation of activities in Kosovo by order of the prosecution.

During the search of his home, Krasniqi was holding a phone in his hand and hitting something. The police officer reminded him that he had been detained and that he was not allowed to use the telephone. Then, as noted, he took the phone from him with his gloved hand and kindly repeated that he had been detained.

– This is not a way you can take my phone. This is not how it is done – Krasnići rebelled.

The policeman assured him that his complaint would be registered. He put the things in his pockets, including the phone, in the evidence bag. He was flown to The Hague around 6:25 pm He refused to eat and drink on the plane. He didn’t even want to take the charge.

He accepted only a protective mask. The prison director, as noted, made sure that the detainee had the accusation with him before ending the meeting with him in the cell.

The following day, Krasniqi informed the court that he wanted to be defended by lawyer Venkatesvari Alagendra from Malaysia.


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Author: delivery courier
