DETAILS OF TERROR IN BOGATIĆ: Workers at the social work center had nothing to train the children to take them to an exam


The horror in Bogatić was discovered by the workers of the Social Work Center, who found the children alone in a cold and neglected house, and the chaos of the children is evidenced by the fact that they had nothing to train them to bring them to the center. of health.

– I can never forget what I saw in the room. Children’s droppings on the floor, razors, used towels and diapers, dirty knives and sherpas. Everything was ruined as if he had not entered the house where the children lived for days. When it’s full of dirty water … Creepy scenes … – says our source who knows the case well, but wants to remain anonymous.

Children have lice and have not recently bathed, and there are blisters and skin changes, so our interlocutor assumes that some skin diseases arose from conditions unworthy of a human being. Social workers responded immediately by removing the children from the family and they were sent to foster homes.

Photo: AD

On the basis of the Law on Prevention of Domestic Violence, and on the basis of the findings and opinion of the Center for Social Work in Bogatić, an urgent risk assessment was carried out and Zorica D. received an order prohibiting access and communication with children. Previously, a court order was issued against him, as he hid from the police and workers of the Center for several days.

The woman lived alone with the children and, to support herself, she sang in nearby restaurants where she was very popular, especially “Kod Mlađe Joker”. Recently, her husband and father of children were barred from approaching due to reports of domestic violence. Apparently, he was slapped during a performance in a tavern.

Zorica lived in the house with the children on a lifetime support contract with the landlord. However, the locals believe that the owner helped her more than she helped him, but the man is in poor health and could not do much.

We also heard from people familiar with the case that the children’s father, a native of the nearby village of Uzveće, came from abroad, where he is on a temporary job as soon as he found out what happened. One of the neighbors reportedly reported a case of neglect and abuse when he saw a naked and barefoot girl playing with a knife in the yard.

The Bogatić children and their mother were not recipients of social assistance because their father sent them alimony, so the case was not immediately noticed by the social workers. Locals in Bogatić say that Zorica is adorned with exceptional beauty, but that she is shy by nature. One is shocked by the conditions she was living in, the other just shakes her head anxiously and refuses to comment.

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