DETAILS OF EATING SEVEN PEOPLE REVEALED An old woman from Jagodina did this recklessly


Seven people from Jagodina were injured the day before yesterday when a dog ran out of a courtyard on Ružica Milanović street and bit them last night. Most likely, the incident was caused by the owner’s negligence, as he left the fence open.

As we have learned, the police, by order of the competent prosecutor’s office of Jagodina, will file a criminal complaint against the 87-year-old doctor, owner of the dog, on suspicion of having committed the crime of causing general danger, and after the attack and bite of citizens. taken to the asylum.

It is presumed that the old woman, on Tuesday night, around 8 pm, left the patio to throw out the garbage and most likely did not close the gate properly. A smaller, mixed-breed dog ran out of the yard and attacked passers-by on Ružica Milanović, Kupreška and Damlatinska streets.

Since the dog is small, passersby did not expect to kidnap and attack them. One woman was bitten on the arm by a dog and the other six on the legs. All the citizens who were bitten by the dog asked for medical help. All the competent services were informed, so the dog was transferred to the asylum.

As the director of the Health Center, Darko Miletić, confirmed to, after their injuries were repaired at the Health Center last night, the patients were discharged home, and of all the injured, only one person had to suturing a wound.

– They were taken care of by the night shift. They had a seam and all the others had scratches. Their wounds were treated, they received tetanus therapy and they went home, Miletić says.

According to him, there were no children among those who were attacked by the dog.

– Among them were a municipal employee and a hospital employee …
