29.12.2020. 13:00

milijana bogdanović, Photo: Instagram / Printscreen
Milijana Bogdanović She became famous for her relationship, marriage and later divorcing her partner of 53 years, Milojko Božić. The story about this unusual couple first interested the public in Serbia, and then even the world media wrote about their love.
An unusual girl from Pilatović managed to strike up a new romance with the new Milos Markovic chosen for the time before the legal end of the marriage. The man from Užice once admitted that the age difference between him and Milijana is not a problem for him.
– No, the age difference is something formal and can only annoy some people. We do not. We have no difference in perceptions, joint activities, sex, love. So, we have no difference and that is why we are happy.
Miloš has already revealed to us that he is retired, and a source close to this man from Užice gave more information about the chosen Milijana Bogdanović.
Milos is rarely a good and wonderful man. No one in all of Uzice will say a nasty word about him. Many were surprised by his relationship with Milijan from “Parovi”, but everyone is looking at his life – a source close to Bogdanović’s partner allegedly points out and adds:
– He’s divorced, he has two children. He used to be extremely wealthy and is now retired and makes a living driving taxis. He spent everything he earned in life and helped those he reached. Such a way of life led him to humility today. He does not even have real estate, but lives in the center of Uzice as a tenant, allegedly says the interlocutor.
Much has been written about the “Couples” contestant’s previous marriage and her motives for having fun with drastically older men, but a source close to Miloš Marković reportedly believes that the true love between him and Milijana is Wednesday.
– In addition to the difference in age, we were surprised that the little girl messed with him. As we know that Milos does not have any wealth, we were surprised by the whole story. Obviously, Milijana is really in love with him, the source supposedly concludes.
You will be surprised by the age of her ex-boyfriends, look HERE