Despite the crown, famous singers have largely scheduled performances for the New Year, and here is how much money they will take! (PHOTO / VIDEO)



02.12.2020. 09:10 – 02.12.2020. 09:18

Despite the fact that the coronavirus pandemic claims more victims every day, both in the world and in Serbia, there is New Year’s euphoria in our capital.

Scheduled their New Years performances

Scheduled their New Year’s presentations, Photo: Illustration

Most of the clubs, cafes, restaurants and hotels where celebrities have staged are almost sold out.

It is also interesting, as we learned from the organizers of numerous receptions, that none of the singers lowered the price of the performance for the craziest night, but sticks to last year, but the ticket prices are not better either. Many belgraders paid for their seats without problems, although everything remains uncertain. Some clubs and restaurants are planning a New Year’s Eve celebration, but they didn’t charge for tickets, they just made reservations. This means that the guests have occupied the tables, and that the entrance will be paid at the reception. It is also understood that those who sold the tickets will return the money to the customers if there is no celebration, as well as those singers who charged a fee or advance will have to return everything to the organizers, which is established in the contracts. The manager of a club that organizes a reception at up to three locations told us that the singers who will perform were duly paid the agreed fee, which amounts to several tens of thousands of euros, but that there are also some singers who did not ask for money in advance for your commitment.

One of those who announced their New Year’s performance in the capital is Nataša Bekvalac.

As we find out, your rate is 25,000 euros. The price of the ticket ranges between 50 and 150 euros. Kaća Grujić will also sing in Belgrade, for which he will raise 20,000 euros. He will work with her Sloba Radanović for a fee of 30,000 euros, and everyone who wants to enter 2021 with them, must set aside 90 to 130 euros.

– I sincerely hope there are performances. Sloba and I scheduled it for January. I hope that everything calms down by then and that we see this off and enter the year 2021 with the song – Kaća told the media recently.


Gianni He performs at Ledine for 35,000 euros, and the ticket price is 65 to 120 euros.

I don’t know anything about the welcome. That performance was scheduled for me immediately after the arrival of 2020. There was no talk of a crown, it could have been planned.

Rada Manojlović she hopes to sing on a raft in Belgrade for the craziest night, alongside Pedja Medenica. Tickets for their performance cost between 100 and 200 euros, which is not surprising, because the singers agreed on a fee for the two of 50,000 euros.

Dejan Matić and Gabrijela Pejčev have scheduled a performance in a restaurant, and tickets cost 80 euros, while Jana and Uros Zivkovic Sing in the ceremonial hall where tickets cost from 50 to 70 euros, and are almost sold out. Angelina will sing in a nightclub in the city center, and prices range between 40 and 250 euros, which is the price of a booth. Sweetest allegro scheduled a performance at a hotel in Belgrade for a fee of 25,000 euros.

Ceca kept this garment in his closet for two decades, and now little Željko inherited something from his father, and see what it is HERE!
