Đerlek on the number of infected and dead


In the third wave of the coronavirus epidemic, there is a more severe clinical picture in patients, and in the next seven to ten days there will be an ascending line in terms of the number of infected and the number of deaths, said the Secretary of State of the Ministry of Health, Mirsad Djerlek.

He claimed for Pink TV that half of the total number of people infected with coronavirus in Serbia is no longer registered in Belgrade, as it was a few days ago.

According to him, about 30 percent of the total number of new cases is currently registered in Belgrade, and in recent days new hotspots have appeared in Novi Sad, Kragujevac, Pancevo and Novi Pazar, while all of Serbia is in a ” been very worrying. ” .

When asked whether such figures would lead to further tightening of measures to suppress the epidemic, Djerlek noted that “the figures are a sufficient warning to every normal person and that we must strengthen our responsibility even without further measures.”

He announced that he would increase the number of tests, up to 30,000 per day.

“Asymptomatic patients are the most dangerous, the most widespread (epidemic) and they don’t even know they are sick. That way, we carry out triage,” Djerlek said.

He said that in the fight against covid-19, “we must not wait for the vaccine and stand idly by.”

“That vaccine will not solve the problem all at once, it will take a few more months after the mass vaccination to be able to say that we have been released,” said Djerlek.

He assessed that in the fight against the epidemic the most important thing is “personal and collective responsibility to save our lives and that of others.”

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus
