Đerlek on new measures H1 Serbia


The Secretary of State of the Ministry of Health, Mirsad Đerlek, stated that the epidemiological situation throughout Serbia due to the crown, in all districts and regions, is the same or similar: “very serious, difficult and uncertain”.

“Right now, we are fighting on the territory of the whole of Serbia,” Djerlek told Serbian radio and television.

Asked about the situation of hospitals in the capital, he said that “kovid’s capacities in Belgrade have been filled and that we still have a greater number of admissions than discharges.

“Our doctors are trying to provide places for patients with a difficult clinical picture by redistributing, we are distributing everything else in other centers like Kragujevac, Nis, Soko Banja, Vrnjacka Banja,” said Djerlek.

He noted that treatment protocols are the same throughout Serbia, so patients receive therapy as in Belgrade.

Speaking of the new measures, which the Serbian Government should adopt soon, he stated that good results can be expected, if responsibility and discipline are shown.

He stated that it is difficult to predict the first results, but he expects that to happen within seven to ten days after the entry into force.

According to him, we have reached high numbers of contagion and now it will be extremely difficult to stabilize the situation.

“After seven to 10 days, we will assess the situation and, if necessary, we can look forward to further stricter measures,” Djerlek said.

He especially warned that the meeting is risky and called on citizens to avoid contacts whenever possible.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
