Deputies voted to introduce fines for breach of measures – Politics


Today, the deputies of the Assembly of Serbia approved the amendments to the Law on Protection of the Population against Infectious Diseases.

Deputies voted to introduce fines for non-compliance with measures 1Photo: Beta / Government of Serbia / Slobodan Miljević

Of the 192 deputies present, 189 deputies voted for the amendments to the Law, one spoke out against it, one abstained and one deputy did not vote.

No amendments have been tabled to the proposed amendments to the Act. Assembly Speaker Ivica Dačić said that the Protector of Citizens sent an amendment, but it was not submitted in time.

Amendments to the law stipulate that communal militiamen and communal city inspectors may impose fines on the spot for not wearing a mask or disrespecting physical distance outdoors or indoors.

A communal militiaman or communal inspector of the city may impose a fine of 5,000 dinars on the spot to a natural person who does not wear a mask or does not respect the prescribed physical distance, while the fines for legal persons will be 50,000 to 300,000 dinars depending on the provision they violate.

The law prescribes that kovid-19 is a contagious disease, a contagious disease that is transmitted by air and on which epidemiological surveillance is carried out.

It is also prescribed that a person marked as “contact” by an epidemiologist during an epidemiological examination must follow the measures and instructions determined by the competent physician.

As a special measure for the protection of the population against infectious diseases, personal protection against infections was introduced, which is the obligation of each individual to take measures of personal protection of health and life according to the nature of the disease .

Home isolation is also defined as a measure that requires home treatment and restricts the freedom of movement of patients with infectious diseases, and in whom the presence of symptoms or signs of disease has been established, and patients whose disease does not require hospital treatment.

This measure will be ordered by a doctor specializing in infectious diseases or a doctor in accordance with the orders of the ministry, on which he will inform the competent epidemiologist.

Home quarantine is a measure that restricts freedom of movement and requires monitoring of the health status of people who were or are suspected of being in contact with an infected person.

Amendments to the Law in the event of an epidemic of a contagious disease may also determine the recommended or mandatory emergency immunization against that contagious disease for all people, that is, for certain categories, if the danger of transmission of that disease is determined contagious.

Mandatory or recommended emergency immunization is ordered by an act of the Minister, in accordance with the recommendations of the World Health Organization.

The amendments also define countries with an unfavorable epidemiological situation as countries affected by the epidemic of infectious diseases, which are determined by a law of the Ministry of Health to protect against the introduction of infection into the territory of Serbia.

Epidemiologist Predrag Kon told the Mondo portal that no action was taken in the Crisis Personnel session, but did not rule out the possibility that they would be adopted and published at the end of the day.

Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić announced today that they have left in search of vaccines and that they have provided 1.8 million doses, most likely Pfizer vaccines for this and next year, and that the first vaccines in Serbia will be available by the end of December.

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