DEPARTURES REDUCED BY 74 LINES Starting tomorrow, fewer public transport vehicles, and this is an EXPLANATION


The Belgrade Secretariat of Public Transport announced today that the reduction of departures on public transport lines after 6.30 pm and on suburban and local transport lines after 8 pm will be based on the registration of vehicle occupancy. on public passenger transport lines of the city, suburban and local in the territory of Belgrade. .

As announced, the Ministry of Public Transport and JKP GSP “Belgrade” on November 26 and 27 recorded vehicle occupancy on 119 public transport lines in 15 locations in the period of 6 pm

Reduction of city starting tomorrow, suburban starting Tuesday,

Based on the analysis of the data recorded and the results obtained with the help of the passenger counting device, as of Monday, November 30, departures after 6.30 p.m. will be reduced in 74 lines due to the reduction in the number of passengers, indicated in the ad.

Employees of the Ministry of Public Transport and SP Lasta ad Belgrade, in the period from November 23 to 27, carried out vehicle occupancy records on all suburban and local public transport lines in the period after 6:00 p.m.

Based on the analysis of the data recorded and the results obtained with the help of the passenger counting devices, as of Tuesday, December 1, departures after 8 pm will be reduced by 11 lines due to the reduced number of passengers .

Passengers, as before, can check the schedules of each urban, suburban and local public transport line on the website of the Ministry of Public Transport

The Secretariat again appealed to users of public transport in the territory of Belgrade to respect the obligation to wear protective masks in vehicles, as well as at stops where large numbers of people meet, reports Beoinfo.
