DEPARTURE: We want to stay in Novi Sad, but it doesn’t depend on us – Culture


The organizers of the EXIT music festival announced today that it is a known fact that over the years they received offers for EXIT to move from Novi Sad and Serbia to another country, but that they categorically refused.

DEPARTURE: We want to stay in Novi Sad, but it doesn't depend on us 1Photo: Exit

They pointed out that almost every country in the world wants to have one of the largest festivals in the world in their tourism offer, which contributes tens of millions of euros to local tourism each year.

“We have categorically rejected these types of offers until now, because we want to stay and develop the festival in our city and country. Unfortunately, it is not just up to us, ”said the EXIT organizers.

Let us remind you that the Zagreb “Jutarnji list”, referring to an anonymous source, announced today that EXIT could move to Umag in Croatia or Budva in Montenegro. Today, the Mayor of Novi Sad, Miloš Vučević, also announced that he will speak with the organizers of this music festival, estimating that it would be “unthinkable” for EXIT to leave Novi Sad.

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