DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMY FOR THE DIRECTOR OF “PETOLETKA”? There will be many new names in the future ministry team


Thus, according to our information, the most serious candidate for the economic department led so far is Goran Knezevic, the director of “Prva petoletke – namenska” Andjelka Atanaskovic, who was chosen as the best coach in Southeast Europe. At one point, the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, called her a “dragon-woman”, alluding to the fact that she managed to revive this factory in Trstenik and earn more than 137 million euros in revenue in two years.

Among the new people in the government could be Maja Popović, who was considered the successor of Minister of Justice Nela Kuburović. Popovic is a highly experienced lawyer, former judge and now advisor to BIA Director Bratislav Gasic. She was also the chief of staff for the agency’s first man, Aleksandar Djordjevic.

Ivica Dacic should be “replaced” as head of diplomacy by the current secretary general of the President of the Republic, Nikola Selakovic. The new staff must also reach the department of culture and ecology, where the most serious candidates are the current speaker of the parliament Maja Gojković and the former president of the municipality of Savski venac Irena Vujović.

The current Minister for European Integration, Jadranka Joksimović, could be replaced by Suzana Grubješić, who was once Deputy Prime Minister in charge of these affairs. Taking into account that the leader of the SDPS, Rasim Ljajić, will no longer be the Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications, the former Secretary of State in this department, Tatjana Matić, will probably take his place.

Changes are also expected in the ministries of sport, education and labor and social policy. As our interlocutors say, Zoran Djordjevic’s successor in the social department could be a “big surprise to the public”.

The wish of the SPS

Socialists have expressed the wish that they would like to lead education. If they get this department, it could be headed by former Minister of State Administration Branko Ruzic.

The stronger SNS party’s decision to form a kind of concentration government will certainly influence the significant mix of staff cards in Nemanjina 11, which is why a ministerial post is destined for Aleksandar Šapić’s SPAS. Yesterday, when asked if the third party on the SPAS parliamentary list, Ratko Dmitrović, would win a seat in Nemanjina, Šapić said: “You are not misinformed”. He hinted that SPAS staff could get a department for the care of family, children and demographics.

The Ministry of Finance (Siniša Mali) and Agriculture (Branislav Nedimović) will get new and old heads. It is speculated that there will be a castling in the defense departments and the Interior Ministry, so Nebojsa Stefanovic should take over the defense and Aleksandar Vulin the police. Construction Minister Zorana Mihajlović could change departments and go back to energy, which she used to run.

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