Dentists – coronavirus – actor is not infected


The Serbian Dental Chamber announced today that the news about the alleged coronavirus infection during the dental intervention of the Serbian actor, whose name is not mentioned, is speculation, and that the oral health of the nation may be in danger, if patients, for fear of infection in surgeries. they would not report to their dentists.

Millions of patients in the world at the time of the pandemic were treated and cared for by dentists and the infection was not recorded to occur in dental offices, and this is monitored very closely, the Chamber notes, recalling that this is not accidental, since since the late eighties. HIV infections, dentists realized the need for protection, so they introduced masks, goggles and gloves into routine use.

As noted, in recent months the risk of contagion by coronavirus has increased significantly, so protection measures have been raised to a higher level, which has led to a reduction in the number of patients in surgeries, but also the risk of possible contagion in dental surgeries. possible measure.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
