DEMAND TO RETURN TO CHINA AND RUSSIA: After the moratorium on military exercises at the request of the EU, Serbia will come under even greater pressure.


As we know from diplomatic sources, Belgrade could soon be asked to support all EU decisions and measures that relate directly or indirectly to Moscow and Beijing, that is, the crisis in Ukraine and the political situation in Belarus, including the imposition of sanctions against Russia. Pressures on the power supply are also expected to increase. The issue of equipment for the 5G network will also be opened, but also the respect of European environmental standards in Serbia, which is actually aimed at China and its investments in Bor and Smederevo.

According to our sources, in that corpus of new “tasks” for Serbia, there could be a request for Belgrade to withdraw the initials of the declaration that defines the violation of human and minority rights of Uyghurs in China’s Xinjiang province as “fight against terrorism and extremism”. By supporting the declaration, Serbia stood up to the countries of Europe and the world that condemned the Chinese campaign against the Muslim minority and, above all, the mass detention of these people in the so-called “political re-education camps”.


According to some unofficial speculation, Serbia could find a “Solomon solution” should the embassy be moved to Jerusalem, which would satisfy both the Americans and the European Union. The official headquarters of our diplomatic mission in Israel would reportedly remain in Tel Aviv, while a consulate would be opened in Jerusalem.

Furthermore, Brussels could request that Serbia respect the EU declaration on the Middle East peace process, for which our country voted in January this year. The document does not support the transfer of embassies from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, to which Serbia has now committed itself in Washington, by signing an agreement on the normalization of economic relations with Pristina.

Interlocutors of “Novosti” affirm that, despite some disagreements between the EU and Germany with the administration of Donald Trump, as is the case of the policy towards the conflict between Israel and Palestine, this “offensive” to remove Russia and China of the Balkans is coordinated with Washington.

This is supported by the fact that the demands to abandon the military exercise in Belarus “coincided” with the open recognition of Trump’s special envoy for dialogue, Richard Grenel, that the key objective of the agreement initialed at the White House is move the region to the West and away from Russia. and China.

The Serbian government, under pressure from Brussels and Berlin, and at the initiative of the European Parliament rapporteur, Vladimir Bilchik, made the decision to suspend military exercises with all partners, both from the East and the West, for six months. As we have learned, a joint exercise with the members of the “Unbreakable Brotherhood” of the CSTO was to be held in Belarus in October, followed by joint exercises with Belarus “Joint Strike” in Serbia.

EU Foreign Minister Joseph Borelj said yesterday that the European Commission is aware of the close ties between Serbia and Russia, but also that our country is expected to act in accordance with its strategic objective of membership of the Union:

– Serbia should gradually harmonize with the EU’s common foreign and security policy. This issue is raised periodically with Serbia, in informal political dialogue meetings and other discussions within the Stabilization and Association Process.

Igor Novakovic, research director of the ISAC fund and coordinator of the working group of the National Convention on the EU for Chapter 31 (harmonization of foreign and security policy), told “Novosti” that he believes there was some criticism from Brussels by certain points of the Washington agreement:

– Before joining the EU, Serbia must fully harmonize its foreign policy with Brussels. The EU position on Jerusalem was defined in 2009, and Serbia has followed that policy until now. Certain changes are also visible with regard to Belarus, because before the cancellation of the military exercise, Serbia also supported the EU declaration on the presidential elections in that country.

Slobodan Zecevic, associate of the Institute of European Studies, explains to “Novosti” that it is clear that the US and the EU consider this region as a zone of their influence and that they want to separate the countries of the Western Balkans from Russia and China :

– Washington and Brussels are both ideological, military and strategic allies, and it is clear that in this case they act in a coordinated manner.

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