Deka Živan is 103 years old and has 35 DESCENDANTS, he looked death in the eye five times, he was executed and today he is a REGISTRAR


Experiencing a hundred may be a dream for many, but for some it works, and at the same time their health serves them well. And when that number is exceeded, each new birthday is a holiday with descendants and friends.

Mirosaljci’s nature certainly has an impact on Živan Popović’s longevity. And he says, as he knows, the day begins with coffee and a glass of brandy. And so, at the age of 103, he says he actually lives his sixth life, writes RTS.

Zivan PopovicPhoto: / screenshot
Zivan Popovic

“I looked death in the eye five times. They took me out to be shot and stabbed. And I suffered everything and the state of war and I was in fights, but I loved good people and somehow I went out with them and those good ones. people extended my life, “says Živan.

He raised seven children, and it is not easy for grandchildren to collect how many branches of the Popović tree have branched out.

After brief deliberation, great-grandson Nemanja Popović says: “Grandfather Živan has 19 great-grandchildren and eleven grandchildren.”

“He believes in God under number one, he is hunting, he leads an orderly life, he is calm, he has not been mentally shaken very much,” reveals Zivan’s grandson Radonja Tajsic.

Despite being over a century old, he is still a hunter, the oldest in Serbia.

“Given that we have a representative in our European association, how much do we know so far that there is no hunter older in Europe than Zivan,” says former president of the Arilje hunting association, Mile Jevgenijevic.

Without the happy hunting adventures, even the birthday celebration would not be complete.

Grandpa Zivan jokingly told him that his last friend from school was justifiably absent from this celebration, but that is why the hunters are always there to be with him, RTS writes.

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