Dejan Šoškić presented three fake news, and here is the denial! SERBIA IS THE BEST ECONOMICALLY!



18.11.2020. 21:08 – 18.11.2020. 21:15

Economist Dejan Soskic spoke in the first half about the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic on the economy, presenting complete lies about the stability of the Serbian economy and the high indebtedness and high interest rates, and that the claims are completely incorrect are they can easily test.

They leave Soskic

Dejan Šoškić, Photo: print screen

– We have no reason to be satisfied, a slightly smaller drop in economic activity this year in Serbia, compared to some previous years, is a consequence of a different economic structure from our country, a lower dependence on tourism and a higher participation of the agriculture in our GDP – said Soskic, adding that since Serbia is highly dependent on agriculture, it will not feel the crisis caused by the coronavirus epidemic.

So, according to Dejan Soskic’s “logic”, Lithuania, Ireland, Sweden, Turkey, Switzerland … have a bad economic structure, but that’s why Albania, Croatia and Montenegro have a better one, so their GDP is now somewhat more low, but will rise quickly.

In addition, he stated for the first semester that our country should not expect some high rates of economic growth next year, precisely because there was no decline this year and a reduction in the base, as it could have been, or as it is in some countries. .

Soskic also makes the following statement, which is absolutely false:

economic growth

economic growth, Photo: printskrin

– Serbia will probably have slightly lower economic growth next year compared to similar countries – he says, not including the fact that although some countries in the region will have GDP growth in 2021, the percentage of decline in 2020 must be taken into account.And in the countries of the region, this decrease was much greater than in Serbia, for what growth in 2021 in Serbia will be by far the BEST IN THE REGION.

In addition, he referred to the amount of interest with which Serbia was indebted:

– The interest rate is significantly higher than last year, and that is something we must take into account. that our situation in the international financial market is deteriorating and that we are entering a situation in which we pay more and more to maintain our fiscal position. Every new loan is getting more and more expensive. We are reaching a situation where the world market will have us increasingly under scrutiny, analyzing to what extent we can repay our tax obligations. The first sign we experience in May is the growth of interest rates … it is a serious sign that we do not have time for a bit of relaxation – declared Šoškić.

Nikola Altiparmarkov, from the Fiscal Council, recently stated that when a country finds itself in a situation where it has to borrow, it is very difficult to say what is favorable and what is not, when it comes to borrowing, taking into account the situation of the world markets. As if it believes that the loans that Serbia is applying are not unfavorable.
