Defending its integrity, Serbia also defends the principles of the United Nations (VIDEO)


VUCIC SPEAKS AT UN GENERAL ASSEMBLY: Defending its integrity, Serbia also defends the principles of the United Nations (VIDEO)

Photo: Screenshot by Instragam / buducnostsrbijeav

Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić addressed a high-level meeting of the UN General Assembly today on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the United Nations.

Vučić said that in defending its sovereignty and territorial integrity, Serbia upholds both international law and the fundamental principles on which the United Nations is based.

Vučić emphasized that the UN Charter should be the “constitution” of the modern international community and a set of basic principles that regulate international relations and processes in the international community.

I have the great honor to address you today on behalf of the Republic of Serbia, as we celebrate the 75th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations. This important anniversary is an opportunity to reaffirm our collective commitment to multilateralism and the principles that we all embraced when we signed the Charter of the United Nations 75 years ago. We are proud that Yugoslavia, to which the Republic of Serbia is the successor, was among the top fifty signatories to the Charter and one of the founding members of this international organization, which has been operating for more than seven decades, serving as universal platform for dialogue on an equal footing. and stability, the protection of human rights and the creation of conditions for economic development around the world. It is not surprising that the Serbian people and their diplomatic representatives actively participated in all international efforts that led to the creation of the United Nations, taking into account their aspiration for peace among nations. We celebrate this UN anniversary at a time when the entire world is fighting the Kovid-19 pandemic, a challenge that has hit the entire planet and that tests our willingness to act together, but at the same time reaffirms that the United Nations is as necessary today as when it was founded. , and that its meaning cannot be questioned. The Charter of the United Nations should represent the constitution of the modern international community and a set of basic principles and principles that regulate international relations and processes in the international community. Unfortunately, at the end of the 20th century, in the Republic of Serbia we experienced unilateral measures and actions that violated and questioned the effectiveness of multilateralism and international cooperation mechanisms, as well as international law itself. The temporary institutions of Pristina declared the independence of the so-called Kosovo through a unilateral act and violated Resolution 1244 of the UN Security Council, which seriously violated the stability of both the Republic of Serbia and the region as a whole. I would like to remind you that the Republic of Serbia is fully committed to finding a compromise solution to the issue of Kosovo and Metohija. Serbia has pursued a responsible policy, making every effort to protect the interests of its people and regional peace and stability.

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“Unfortunately, at the end of the 20th century, in Serbia we experienced unilateral measures and actions that undermined and questioned the effectiveness of multilateralism and international cooperation mechanisms, as well as international law itself. The provisional institutions in Pristina declared independence as an act. unilateral and violated UN Resolution 1244, seriously undermining the security of Serbia and the region as a whole, “Vucic said in a video speech at a high-level meeting of the UN General Assembly, on the occasion of 75th anniversary of the signing of the UN Charter.

He recalled that Serbia is fully determined to find a compromise solution to the Kosovo and Metohija issue.

He said that Serbia is following a responsible policy and making efforts to preserve the interests of its citizens and regional peace and stability.

“By defending sovereignty and territorial integrity, respecting Resolution 1244, Serbia defends international law, the UN Charter, but also finally the authority of the Security Council,” emphasized the president of Serbia.

photo: Screenshot from Instragam / buducnostsrbijeav

Vučić pointed out that the world today faces a global wake-up call to join forces and open up a new vision of a better, more prosperous, more stable and more secure world, in which no one would be left out.

Vučić emphasized that this anniversary is an opportunity for the world to reaffirm its collective commitment to multilateralism, the principles to which everyone committed to the UN Charter 75 years ago.

“We are proud of the fact that Yugoslavia, whose successor is Serbia, is among the top 50 signatories to the UN Charter. It is one of the founders of this international organization, which has been functioning for more than seven decades as a universal platform. for dialogue on an equal footing, peace and stability, protection of human rights and economic development around the world, “said the President of Serbia.

photo: Screenshot from Instragam / buducnostsrbijeav

Vučić said it should not be surprising that the Serbian people and their diplomatic representatives actively participated in all international activities that led to the establishment of the UN with the aim of establishing peace between nations.

According to him, Serbia remains committed to the principles and foundations of the UN Charter, which are important today, as they were at the time of the adoption of that document.

“We celebrate this anniversary at a time when the entire world is battling a pandemic, a challenge that has tested our readiness for unity, but also reaffirms that the UN is as necessary today as it was when it was founded and that its importance cannot be explained in question, “Vucic noted.

We are deeply convinced that only through cooperation, coordination and respect can we find a global response to this global threat, concluded the President of Serbia.

The United Nations was founded after World War II to prevent another similar conflict, and world leaders are supposed to adopt a joint declaration acknowledging “moments of disappointment.”


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