DEDINJE “TENANTS” Prime Minister Ana Branbić will soon move to the village of Jovanka Broz, and here is who else USES STATE VILLAS


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabić should soon move to Bor village in Dedinje, also known as Jovnaka Broz’s former home, and the Prime Minister, soon to begin her second term, will join other former and current officials who They use the state villas in this elite part of Belgrade. .

It is no secret that one of the most beautiful parts of the capital Dedinje, on whose territory there are a large number of luxury buildings, mostly residential, is a favorite place of Serbian politicians and state officials.

Numerous officials, current and former authorities, used the villas in Dedinje while performing their duties, and now former Serbian Presidents Tomsilav Nikolić and Aleksadar Vulin also live in this refined area.

Brnabic in Villa Bor

Ana BrnabićPhoto: Vladimir Živojinović / RAS Serbia

Ana Brnabić

The villa at 75 Kneza Aleksandra Karadjordjevica Street in Dedinje, the future residence of the Prime Minister, is known to be the home of Jovanka Broz, the widow of former SFRY President Josip Broz Tito, for more than three decades.

Jovanka Broz lived in Villa Bor for more than three decades  Photo: M. Jošida / RAS Serbia

Jovanka Broz lived in Villa Bor for more than three decades

After Tito’s death, she was evicted from Užička Village 15 and moved to Bor Village, where she lived until her death on October 20, 2013.

In 2019, its complete rebuild began Photo: A. Dimitrijević / RAS Serbia

In 2019, its complete rebuild began

Since then, the magnificent 750-square-meter villa has had no new tenants. It was closed until October 2019, when the succession process lasted, and it was completely ruined.

That same year, it was announced that the villa renovation project was underway and that this facility would be available to the Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia in the future. The renovation, which began last year, is nearing completion.

When asked by reporters if she would move to a state village, the prime minister recently said that she had not decided that.

– The Government will decide on that, according to the needs, I do not decide on that – he said then.

Nikolic – usurper of the presidential villa

As the holder of one of the highest offices in the state, Ana Brnabić has the official right to use the state villa. However, another politics lives in his neighborhood, which lost that right a long time ago. This is the former president of Serbia, Tomislav Nikolić, whose term ended more than three years ago, but still lives in a state village.

Villa in Uzicka 23 Photo: O. Bunić / RAS Serbia

Villa in Uzicka 23

Nikolic and his wife Dragica live in an 800-square-meter chalet at Uzicka 23 in Dedinje, although according to the role of the president of the National Council for Cooperation with Russia and China, where he is now, he has no right to do so. This town was given to him for his use by government decree.

On the eve of the presidential elections in April 2017, there was talk about whether Nikolić would run for a second term. As the evaluation was that there was no chance of winning in the first round, which was the most important criterion for the candidacy, Nikolić said that he would withdraw, but that he had one condition: to continue living in Užička 23.

The villa at Užička 23 is determined by the Real Estate Decree for the representative needs of the Republic of Serbia exclusively as the “residence of the President of the Republic”. Before Nikolić, the former president of Serbia, Boris Tadić, lived in it, who, unlike Nikolić, moved immediately after the end of his presidential term.

Photo: RAS / RAS Serbia

The residence was supposed to be rebuilt and a tender was even announced for the repair of the roof and the interior of the auxiliary building within the complex, but the complex was abandoned.

Vulin in the villa of the Minister of Defense

Another tenant of Dedinje is the current Defense Minister Aleksandar Vulin. He lives with his family in a state villa on Jevrem Grujić street.

The villa is spread over about 310 square meters and has a 59 square meter garage.

Photo: Rajko Ristic / RAS Serbia

Before him, this residence was used by the former defense ministers, Bratislav Gasic and Dragan Sutanovac.

This building was, incidentally, built in the 1990s, for the needs of General Nebojsa Pavkovic, who never lived in it.

Maja Gojković The Assembly pays the rent

The Speaker of the National Assembly, Maja Gojković, does not make use of the legal right to live in one of the residences that are owned by the state, but took the opportunity to collect the rent of the apartment from the Assembly.

Maja Gojković Photo: Milorad Milanković / RAS Serbia

Maja Gojković

Since he does not own real estate in the capital, Gojković traveled to work from Novi Sad for a time, only to later seize the opportunity to receive money from the Assembly budget for housing expenses every month.

Each month, Gojković received 35,000 dinars from the parliamentary treasury to cover the rental costs of the apartment.

VIDEO: Vila Mir
