Online distance learning, e-calendar, Google classroom, viber group – this is all for many students and teachers of everyday life, but not for those students who do not have electricity, television or mobile phone.
Since schools were dissolved due to the coronavirus pandemic, Macvanska Mitrovica’s teacher, Sladjana Nikolić, has been visiting families and children in social danger who are unable to attend distance classes.

“I visit children and teach children whose houses have no electricity or water, both in this part of Macvanska Mitrovica and in Sremska Mitrovica. Already on March 16, when, according to the decision of the Serbian Government, the teaching work was temporarily suspended In primary schools, I called the principals of the eight-year schools “Dobrosav Radosavljevic – Narod” and “Bosko Palkovljevic Pinki” and asked which families need the help of teachers. And then I went from house to house and since then I have not I’ve stopped, “said the Roma teacher.
He added that he taught elementary classes in other subjects according to the principals.
“I relied mainly on Serbian and math, because they need it more, especially first graders, so they don’t forget to count and write,” said teacher Sladjana Nikolić. If these elementary students had completely interrupted classes, due to the impossibility of following them, it would have been disastrous, says Nikolić, because children can forget the most important things in a few days of interrupting classes.
“They may also lose their will, because other children are already doing something they don’t know. Then there will be teasing, so they are ashamed to continue their education, and that is why it is enough for the teacher to motivate them and be with them “he added.

There are about 100 children from the Roma population in Macvanska Mitrovica, of whom about 30 have basic living conditions, while in Sremska Mitrovica there are about 30 children and include children in Laćark, one of the largest villages in Serbia.
When asked by reporters how she had accomplished everything, considering that city transportation was not working, the teacher said it was well organized.
She says it was not difficult for her because she wanted the children not to be late to class with other classmates and not to forget to read and write.
“My goal was to help children and I didn’t think if it would be dangerous for me.” I didn’t bother curfew, “said Nikolicka.
At the Nikolić family home, we find Sladjana practicing the Serbian language with David, a boy who is in the second grade of the primary school “Dobrosav Radosavljević – Narod”, and for whom the teacher has nothing but praise.
“David is an exceptional boy, but thanks to his mother Biljana Djordjevic, who works hard to get him on the right track.” It is a great fortune that she is disciplined and practices a lot with him. “David takes school very seriously and they are a very meticulous family, regardless of the fact that they live in those conditions without electricity or water,” said the teacher.
As he says, it is known how the children of the Roma population pass, but also those poor and uneducated parents, difficult living conditions, but with your help and the help of teacher Sladjana Saric, with attention, these children can take the correct road.

“Very poor working and living conditions. They do not have water, they do not have electricity, but they have the will and that is the most important thing,” he added.
During his career, he accompanied children from first grade to their university degree.
“I have countless of them who graduated from college, and some were able to come to my class barefoot. It used to be just for them to finish elementary school, and now high school is taken for granted,” says teacher Sladjana Nikolić.

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Author: Delivery courier