DECLARED EMERGENCY SITUATION IN TWO MORE MUNICIPALITIES: Celebrating birthdays under tents, entire families infected


Both local governments have increased the number of infected people in recent days, and in Lucani there are several cases in which entire families test positive for the corona virus.

– The cause of the growing disease is the lack of seriousness of the citizens and the lack of respect for the epidemic measures. A month ago, we had birthdays in courtyards and tents with 200-300 guests, and funerals where many people gathered, Zoran Vučićević, deputy mayor and president of the municipal staff for emergencies, told “Blic”.

There are currently 313 active cases of coronavirus in Lucani, and in recent days, the number of examinations at the local health center has exceeded 200.

With the introduction of the state of emergency, the public companies “Dragacevo putevi” and “Komunalac” were ordered to take intensified epidemic measures and intensify the disinfection of public areas. The municipal administration has promised to guarantee an intensive work of the inspection services that will carry out a greater control over the implementation of the adopted measures.

The emergency situation in Ivanjica was introduced on the recommendation of an epidemiologist and a specialist doctor from the Kovid clinic, through which more than 1,800 patients have passed in the last 10 days. During that time, around 300 new cases were confirmed and six people died from the corona virus.

By decision of the Ministry of Health, the Special Rehabilitation Hospital “Ivanjica” was introduced into the kovid regime, and it will accommodate about 100 patients from all over Serbia.

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