Decision no later than 48 hours


The situation in Belgrade is too dire. We are on the brink. That does not apply to other hospitals in Serbia, but if we continue to behave like this, it can start to apply, said Health Minister Zlatibor Lončar.

He said that measures have not yet been taken, which was confirmed by Dr. Predrag Kon.

– I left the crisis staff earlier today, no decision has been made yet. It will be in the next 24 or 48 hours. It will be as the profession says, we are here to implement the decisions – Lončar said.

Predrag KonPhoto: RTS / screenshot

Predrag Kon

Dr. Kon believes that two weeks of strict measures are the most effective.

– We must stop the virus and its transmission, it can be done by denying contacts, and that again is possible only with new measures. No action was taken. The Prime Minister said that she heard us well, that she would still think about it. Now we are still thinking about it – said Dr. Predrag Kon and recalled that the Law on Protection of the Population against Infectious Diseases was passed today and that it is “good”.

According to him, it is clear that contacts should be avoided, which mainly refers to nightclubs and “places where people sit and talk for a long time”.

Loncar said that today “a young man and a girl attacked a doctor from the Infectious Diseases Clinic.”

– That is unacceptable. They can’t wait and they can sit in clubs.

During the day a meeting of the Crisis Staff was held, its expert part, as announced by Dr. Predrag Kon, proposed drastic measures, but the decisions will be known at the end of the day.

“The most difficult day for KC Nis”

According to Dr. Radmilo Janković, the hospital’s capacity is filling rapidly, but “the south is currently stable.”

Dr. Radmilo JankovicPhoto: RTS / screenshot

Dr. Radmilo Jankovic

– The day was difficult, probably the most difficult day for KC NIš. He already had 40 patients in the intensive care unit. Here come patients in danger of death from Kladovo, Novi Pazar, Kosovo, from southern Serbia. Today, there are almost 130 people infected, which is not as terrible as in Belgrade. KC Nis is the only tertiary institution of that level, we are under a lot of pressure. Most of them are very difficult patients. We have enough capacity in the intensive care unit, that’s good, we have good conditions so that we can isolate floor by floor, floor by floor. So we can expand the capacities of the hospital, thanks to the fact that we have a new building of the Clinical Center, Janković told RTS.

About 92 doctors have been infected in Nis so far, which is a smaller percentage compared to other European cities, Jankovic added.

“Entire families are infected”

He adds that a large number of patients are between the ages of 50 and 60.

– It is an indisputable fact that currently most patients are older, they continue to work. They are people between 50 and 60 years old. Entire families were infected, and younger people asymptomatically transmitted the virus to their families. It is obvious that the objective of the anti-epidemic measures could be directed mainly to the younger population. Limiting the work of nightclubs to two or three weeks, I think it would be a little harm in relation to what would happen if it stayed like that – concluded Janković.

“People who are hiding violate the measures”

The reality is not beautiful, adds Dr. Janković, alluding to the filling of hospital capacities.

– We just have to stop the virus. Someone is talking now about measures for caterers, we passed them in May. Everything is very precise, we know how many people there can be. Control is also key to ensuring that measures are implemented. On the other hand, measures were implemented, people were punished, but that is not enough because there are a lot of such facilities and people are hiding – said Kon.

About one percent of those infected are currently in Belgrade. In other words, some 30,000 people are infected in Belgrade, Kon added.

Law tomorrow in the Official Gazette

Speaking of the Law on Protection against Infectious Diseases, the amendments of which were approved today by deputies in the Serbian Assembly, Loncar said that it could probably be published tomorrow in the Official Gazette.

Zlatibor LončarPhoto: RTS / screenshot

Zlatibor Lončar

– We do not pass a law on whether someone will walk or not, but to save human lives and the health system, to help people who are not sick with the crown. So don’t harass the doctors who work 24 hours a day and help everyone. They didn’t force you to go to clubs and catch it – Lončar said.

Not everything can be resolved by declaring a state of emergency, Kon stressed.

– There is also quarantine, personal protection measures, everything that has been supplemented in this law, and the control method has also been supplemented.

After two weeks, we would see the results.

According to Dr. Kon, the best measure would be to ban discos and the results of stricter measures could be seen in two weeks.

– Belgium and France have, for example, a decrease in the number of infected. That should not fool us because we are facing the winter season. Therefore, the spread of the virus, which is more present in nightclubs, must be avoided. After two weeks, we would see if these stricter measures would pay off – he explained.

Photo: RTS / screenshot

The minister said that as of today, 814 health workers are infected and 47 of them are in hospital.

Will the vaccine be light at the end of the tunnel?

– The arrival of the vaccine is definitely a turning point. We will see how quickly we will do it, it is a huge job, we have to implement everything. We will easily say that it will come, and this is a job in which thousands of people will participate – said Kon.

According to Minister Loncar, today we need unity the most.

– We are before the weekend, these are the days of the most intense and frequent contacts, we also have two celebrations in that period. Take care of your health, wear masks, avoid meetings. A meeting with more than 100 people is certainly a place of infection, the only question is whether they will avoid it – concluded Dr. Kon.

Today more than 3,300 new infected

In the last 24 hours, 13,008 people were tested for the corona virus in Serbia, 3,341 of them tested positive, while, unfortunately, 19 people died. According to the latest data from the Ministry of Health and the “Trampoline” Institute, there are 151 patients with respirators in hospitals across the country.

VIDEO: Seven Groups of Corona Symptoms
