Decision made in crisis staff session! They will soon arrive in Serbia



25.10.2020. 20:32

There are specific groups of candidates who will undergo such tests.

Crown, proof

Korona, test, Photo: AP / Tanjug

New to be applied soon in Serbia corona virus tests. Except already the famous PCR and a cheaper serological test The so-called fast antigens are coming to us!

This decision was made a few days ago at the Crisis Staff session for the fight against kovid-19. Rapid antigen tests have existed for a long time, but now the possibility of their application in our country has been examined, that is, validated. They are very reliable and are used to detect the presence of antigen, that is, the virus itself, explained Dr. Predrag Kon. Sampling is similar to the PCR test.

– The same is taken from a swab, like PCR. The result can be obtained after just half an hour. This does not mean that the organization will be able to do it quickly in our country, but it will certainly accelerate the obtaining of a positive or negative result – said Dr. Kon.

There are specific groups of candidates who will undergo such tests.

– Especially for various situations in which we have carried out tests so far: when entering hospitals, in especially vulnerable groups, in homes for the elderly, in all cases where there are indications. For example, in hospitals where an employee is infected, their contacts are screened. This type of test is thought to be used at border crossings as well, but adequate logistics must be provided for that, added Dr. Predrag Kon.

Rapid antigen tests are often used to diagnose respiratory pathogens, including influenza viruses and RSV. The difference from PCR is in the fact that the rapid test detects the virus only if it exists in large amounts, unlike the PCR test, which is more sensitive to small amounts of the virus. They are performed fairly quickly, it will be possible to obtain the result quickly, in about half an hour, and the accuracy of the test is greater than 95, 96 percent, explained the professor earlier. Dr. Branislav Tiodorović.
