Death threats to Marinika Tepic with a “hammer to the head” at the Dragisa Misovic hospital fence


The messages on the fence near the Dragisa Misovic hospital calling for the murder of Marinika Tepic, vice president of the Freedom and Justice Party (SAA), are just a continuation of the hate campaign against anyone who dares to criticize him unprofessional, arrogant and criminalized regime, the SAA said in a statement.

According to the SAA, this campaign is spread by the holders of the most important functions of the country, false parliamentarians, directors of public companies, state tabloids …

From writing the ‘Marinika Tepic to the head with a hammer’ messages that appeared just one day after the vulgar insults directed at our vice president by EPS director Milorad Grcic, to physical violence is just one step. We demand that the authorities investigate as soon as possible those who wrote the messages calling for the murder of Mrs. Tepic, next to which are the slogans ‘Viva Vucic’ and ‘Vucic Aca na ku … vas baca’, but also to establish the responsibility of those who have been inspiring and ordering such fascist actions for eight years ”, he says. in the SAA statement.

The party said that if anyone thought that it would scare and prevent Marinika Tepic from discovering corruption and crime in Serbia, they were very wrong.

“You must know that Marinika, like all of us, will not stop,” concludes the SAA.
