“DEATH IN THE CRADLE” One child (1) died today in kindergarten, and in the last four years two more children have lost their lives in this way, this is what SUDDEN DEATH SYNDROME is


The news that a one-year-old girl died in the “Ivin vozic” kindergarten in Zemun passed away in Serbia and shook everyone. The tragedy occurred around 2 in the afternoon, and the boy, as we learn, died in his sleep. Unfortunately, this is not the only sudden death of a child. In the last four years alone, two more children have died in Serbia from sudden death syndrome or “cradle death” as it is called otherwise.

The private kindergarten in which a one-year-old girl died on 155th Pregrevica Street in Zemun is under siege by the police, but also by concerned parents. None of those gathered remember such a tragedy in this kindergarten. According to the first information, it is a syndrome of sudden death.

Photo: Oliver Bunić / RAS Serbia

– My brother is currently in the police force. From what we could hear, this is the so-called sudden death – the brother of the owner of the kindergarten “Ivin vozic” told “Blic” a few hours after learning that the child had passed away.

SIDS affects children up to one year of age

– Sudden infant death syndrome affects children up to one year of age, most often while they sleep. It occurs most often in children, in the winter, in children who do not breastfeed, in children who use pacifiers, and most often between 4 and 6 months of age. Sudden older child death syndrome occurs in children older than one year, most often while sleeping. It is less represented in terms of frequency than in babies, said Dr. Snezana Rsovac.

Sudden death syndrome (SIDS) is considered a condition when a child under one year of age dies and there is no explanation why it happened.

Sudden death is believed to be conditioned by the existence of various factors, writes “Kurir.” Currently there are a large number of studies in the world on the cause of sudden death, because despite all the available diagnostic possibilities and autopsy findings, the cause often remains unexplained.

When we talk about the causes of sudden infant death, the evidence goes in the direction of respiratory disorders such as central hypoventilation disorder, central nervous system control center function and wakefulness, asphyxia (which occurs most often as a result of regurgitation gastric and airway aspiration) rhythm.

The most common factors that lead to SIDS

The US National Institutes of Health list the following as the most common factors that lead to SIDS:

– the baby has difficulty waking up – the body has difficulty detecting excess carbon dioxide in the blood – sleeping on the stomach or side – sleeping on extremely soft surfaces – sleeping with the parents – premature delivery or low birth weight – exposure of the baby to tobacco smoke – and during the mother’s pregnancy and after the birth of a child

– insufficient prenatal care – poverty – the fact that the baby is one of twins or triplets, quadruplets, etc.

– short interval between pregnancies

How to prevent it

As for how to defend against the possibility of sudden death syndrome, the LiveScience site presented the recommendations of the American Academy of Pediatrics. The experts of this institution advise:

– Let the baby sleep on his back. (According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, this reduces the chance of SIDS by up to 50 percent.) – A child should sleep on a harder surface. – The baby should not share the bed, that is. to sleep with their parents. On the other hand, it is recommended that the baby’s crib be in the room where the parents also sleep. – There should be no unnecessary pillows, blankets or stuffed animals in the crib. – The temperature should not be too high. – Do not use products that can be found in the market and that are advertised as prevention of sudden death syndrome, because none of them are approved by official institutions, nor are they tested for safety and efficacy. – Do not force the baby to use a pacifier, but if he wants to, give it to him during nap or sleep. – In addition, the National Institutes of Health recommend breastfeeding as an excellent protection because it reduces the probability of developing respiratory infections.

A girl from Vrčin passed away

Unfortunately, this is not an isolated case. Two years ago, a BD girl from Vrčin passed away, only five months older. Her mother and educator could not wake her up either. The upset mother carried the girl in her arms to the Health Center, where, despite all the doctor’s efforts and two resuscitations, the girl died.

According to the information we had, they could not wake the girl. His lips were blue and he showed signs of bodily deprivation. That in itself was alarming enough to urgently initiate resuscitation in the Department of Pediatrics, Dr. Blagojevic, director of the Health Center in Grocka, to which the clinic in Vrcin belongs, told “Blic” at the time.

As we knew then, the girl never suffered from serious illnesses, nor did anything suggest that something like this could happen.

They couldn’t wake up little Matthew

A similar tragedy occurred in 2016. Two-year-old Mateja Minić was found by a teacher in the “Dečji lug” kindergarten in Mali Mokri Lug, also without consciousness or pulse.

– The boy went to bed normally, he lay with fifteen other children and when all the children woke up, the little one did not move. The teacher gave him artificial respiration, but the boy did not move. They immediately called the ambulance that transported him to Tirsovo and called the police. Snezana Djuric, the city’s secretary for education and child protection, told “Blic” at the time.

According to his parents, Mateja Mitic was a healthy childPhoto: RAS Serbia

According to his parents, Mateja Mitic was a healthy child

The nurses on duty also tried to resuscitate him. The ambulance took the boy to the Children’s University Clinic on Tirsova Street, but the doctors could only declare death.

Little Mateja passed all the systematic examinations, received the necessary vaccinations and did not have any other diseases, confirmed his parents, as well as friends and relatives of the Matić family.

– Only a few days before his death, he was with a pediatrician who issued us a certificate that he was completely healthy – said the boy’s mother, Olgica Mitic.

Experts from the Institute of Legal Medicine later determined that the death of little Mateja occurred in a natural, non-violent way, due to an acute inflammation of the heart muscle of viral etiology, which indicates a shorter duration of the inflammatory process. The find, however, does not say when the death occurred.
