“Dear princes of the Balkans …” – “Noble and dear prince of Luxembourg”


Florian Bieber published a book in the part of which he addresses the President of Serbia. A reaction came from Belgrade.

Source: Tanjug



Strike Vučić every day, because this stubborn “Balkan prince” is especially disobedient and special bonuses are used for strikes, SNS Vice President Marko Đurić told Florian Bieber, a professor at the University of Graz, tonight, on the occasion from the foreword to his new book “The Rise of Authoritarianism in the Western Balkans” “.

Bieber, who is less known to the general Serbian public for his books, and more for his frequent criticisms of the Serbian president, with whom Marko Đurić often argued, published a book with a ten-point foreword, entitled “Dear Prince of the Balkans, congratulations on the recent electoral victory “, and Marko Đurić, addressing him with” a noble and beloved prince of Luxembourg “, responds in 11 points, which say:

“1. Also in Luxembourg, living in Luxembourg is increasingly difficult in search of an additional source of income;

2. The easiest way to earn money is to rent the title of professor and the title of scientist to someone for everyday propaganda and political purposes.

3. You don’t have to open a shop for this boat on the street of the red lanterns, it is enough to attack Serbia. It is always worth it for everyone.

4. Every day for breakfast with the Luxembourgish scrambled eggs made from quail eggs, Vučić is attacked, that stubborn Balkan prince is especially disobedient and there are special bonuses for beating him.

5. See that the source of additional income is diversified, in the modern world you can never be sure enough, take part of the money from Pristina, part of other “friends” of Serbia;

6. When you want to smear and discredit someone, always pretend to be a gentleman. Don’t let the Wallachians go up.

7. Never rent a pen just for cash, because it can become devalued in times of crisis, but try to scratch yourself from employers for some real estate, like a piece of land in Hvar.

8. When choosing victims, always choose those who have many enemies so that you don’t have to justify your animosity with anything. Um, Serbs are a great option for you …

9. Never admit that you have personal motives, act as if you want to civilize the wild Balkans for the love of the superior Luxembourgish culture.

10. Lies are always megalomaniacal, because big lies are easier to pass than small ones.

11. Prince, read Kipling and you will see that those who want to become kings do not always end up winning … And, when we are in Kipling, be a man, my son! ”.

Earlier today, the Direktno portal announced that Florian Bieber “addressed” the president of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, in the foreword to his book, “congratulating” him on his electoral victory and giving him ten-point advice on how to stay in the power forever.

Bieber himself claims that it is “advice” he wrote to “an anonymous Balkan autocrat” for the London School of Economics blog 2015, in an attempt to shed light on the mechanisms by which local powers govern countries of the Balkans, and has now published his new books as a foreword.

Thus, Bieber “congratulates” the “Balkan prince” whom he addresses for the electoral victory and “suggests” for the future control of the elections, and how to get the support of the international community, so that “he should present himself as a good democrat “.

In the list of “tips”, in which he ironically “packages” criticism, Bieber puts the control of the media, mockingly suggests the statement on the commitment to the EU, the fight against corruption and reforms, the solution of problems with neighbors, mocks the choice of several friends abroad, calling flirting …

Shortly after the announcement of Đurić’s statement tonight, Bieber reacted on Twitter with the following comment:

“In a never-ending boxing match with His Excellency the Ambassador, I was ‘knocked out’ in 11 brutal responses.”
