Dean of Medicine: The prevailing impression is that kovid is outdated, but not so


The dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Nebojsa Lalic, said that in the midst of good weather, the prevailing impression is that the Kovid-19 has been overcome and that it has already passed, but it is not.

Lalic, commenting on speculation about the number of infected and killed by kovid, for RTS said for not commenting on too many different speculations in medical circles, “probably because doctors are busy with the day-to-day situation and trying to balance themselves with a relatively low infection rate.”

Asked if the confidence of citizens in what is happening in the country has been affected, he says that it is a complex issue, that it has its multidimensionality.

“We are not left alone”, believes Lalic, adding that citizens are used to seeing a situation consisting of some “pearls” or negative examples that shine, but that there are also many people whose merit is in a stable state of Serbia.

As for teaching at the Faculty of Medicine, he says that there is no real recipe, but that most faculties in the world have solved it with a combined approach.

He states that the Faculty of Medicine has also moved classes, seminars and part of the practical work to the online version, and that there will be direct contact with patients during practical exercises in clinical subjects.

“We believe that we have created all the conditions. That should start on Monday,” Lalic said.

Read more news about Kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world in the page Coronavirus
