Deadline seven days: Whoever does not contact the bank, accepts the proposed payment plan


Belgrade: whoever does not ask the bank for one of the options specially offered after the expiration of the second moratorium, automatically accepts the payment plan proposed by the bank.

Source: Tanjug

Photo: Depositphotos, okuka67

Photo: Depositphotos, okuka67

This was stated in a statement to Tanjug by the secretary general of the Association of Banks of Serbia, Vladimir Vasić.

The second moratorium, which included a late payment in August and September, expires on September 30 and banks will individually propose a payment plan to clients.

They will receive it by e-mail or letter, read it carefully, and if there is any ambiguity, call the banker to explain it. The client has seven days to decide on one of the two alternative options and inform the bank and if not “It means that he accepted the payment plan proposed by the bank,” he said.

The basic and general model proposed by the banks is that the interest accrued in the previous period is distributed to the rest of the debt, the repayment of which will be extended for the duration of the repayment moratorium.

Vasic says that at the end of the first moratorium, which included a late payment in April, May and June, people mostly decided to accept the payment plan offered by the bank, with only a small number opting for the other two. options.

“For now, there is no indication of a third moratorium. The objective of the first and second moratoriums was to maintain current liquidity and this has been achieved. We see this through exchange rate stability, stability and savings growth. and the growth of credit activity. “There should be a moratorium of three, but hopefully, that decision is not up to the banks, they are there to support the economy and citizens,” Vasic told Tanjug.

In addition to the basic offer, there are two additional moratorium payments after the expiration of the moratorium.

The first alternative is to pay the arrears with interest all at once and continue with the repayment according to the previous plan, while the second is to pay only the interest and extend the loan repayment period by the number of installments for which the moratorium was valid.

“These are alternative possibilities that everyone should react to according to their financial possibilities. It is always better to have options for clients and everyone can choose what suits them best,” says Vasić.

The second moratorium, which lasted two months, was accepted by 82% of citizens and 69% of companies, and the total value of the suspended obligations is almost one billion euros.
