“Days of the bride’s hand and when I accidentally touch somewhere on my body, it burns too”


Carolina Ripper, the hottest pepper in the world, is forty times hotter than the hottest that can be bought in our markets.

The cultivation of extremely hot peppers in Serbia does not have a long tradition. About ten years ago, Boban Filipović from Zajecar started the production of different varieties of peppers from all continents and meridians. That is, they originate from Trinidad, India, Thailand, writes RTS.

Boban peppersPhoto: RTS / screenshot

Boban peppers

He says that the degree of anger of his products is incomprehensible to an ordinary person, because when you smell it, you sweat in a second.

“During the harvest it is fine, there are no problems, but when I remove the seeds, then I have to touch the inside of the paprika and the seeds, and that can be very angry. “For days, days, my hands burn, and when I accidentally touch some part of my body, it also burns, but they say it is healthy for the bones, so I do not complain much,” says Boban Filipović, a pepper producer spicy.

Boban in conversation with an RTS journalist at his home in ZajecarPhoto: RTS / screenshot

Boban in conversation with an RTS journalist at his home in Zajecar

Paprika is paprika, but only a few taste the one from Boban’s garden

The production of hot peppers requires above all love, good will and a lot of work. Boban says this is his hobby at the moment, but also an additional source of income.

“I don’t sell peppers, I only sell seeds. I make paprika sauce, mostly I use something, I give something to friends, I sell seeds online, but if that production expands, there are a couple of acres and about three hundred buckets in which I grow peppers If it expands and so on, there is the possibility that a person can live on it ”, explains Boban and adds that ten seeds cost between two and four euros, writes RTS.

Boban FIlipovičPhoto: RTS / screenshot

Boban FIlipovič

The peppers are given exotic names, carolina ripper, rocot, Ecuadorian brown, but as Boban says, it is still only paprika, although few dare to try it.
