The data presented in Annex N1 on media co-financing, which was broadcast in yesterday’s newspaper, are public data published, among others, in the database of the Association of Serbian Journalists. The key problem with co-financing media projects is that money from national and local budgets is allocated to media that traditionally violate the Journalists Code.
Earlier today, the Ministry of Culture and Information announced that the information that the ministry supported media house projects that violated the Serbian Journalists Code was incorrect.
Reacting to TV N1 article that was also published on our portal, The Ministry of Culture and Information announced that information on co-financing of media projects is available on its website.
“All the commissions of the Ministry of Culture and Information were guided exclusively by the criteria defined by the Law on Public Information and the Media and the Rulebook on co-financing projects of public interest in the field of public information that apply regulations in what respects ethical standards and compliance with the Serbian Journalists Code “. in a sentence.
And precisely from the budget of the Ministry of Culture and Information, as the data show, in the period from 2015 to 2018, the company Adria media group, which is the publisher of the Kurir tabloid, was awarded 9,102,770 dinars for eight projects.
According to the monitoring of the Regulatory Body of the Press Council, Kurir violated the Journalists Code 1,106 times in the second half of 2019 alone.

The tabloids that the Press Council identified as the greatest violators of the Journalists Code are, in addition to Kurir and Alo, Informer and Srpski Telegraf.
In the second half of 2019, Alo violated Code 1,266, the Serbian Telegraph 864, and the Informer 667 times.
In the period 2016 – 2019, from the budget of local autonomous governments for media projects, 36,600,000 dinars were allocated for Informer, Serbian Telegraph 22,203,802 and ALO 26,600,000 dinars.

See all the contests and the names of those who received funds in the following documents: