Darko Elez, leader of one of the criminal groups, was arrested


Members of the Ministry of the Interior, by order of the Special Department of the Belgrade High Court, arrested DE (40) and brought him before the competent court, the Ministry of the Interior announced, in one sentence, without further details.

How do you find out Nova.rs, This is Darko Elez, who has been known to the police for various crimes for a long time and has a long criminal record behind him. He has two passports: Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

As Nova.rs recalls, in September 2011, the Belgrade Court of Appeals confirmed the verdict of the Special Court, which establishes that Elez organized a criminal group in Belgrade and Bosnia in 2009, whose members were five convicts with him, as well as several the procedure is being carried out in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

For a long period of time, this group targeted the commission of serious crimes, drug smuggling and sale, and extortion. By the way, trials were under way against Elez in Belgrade for the attempted assassination of George Zdralo, who was a close associate of his, according to Nova.rs.

In addition, 31 members of the Elez clan have been prosecuted in Bosnia and Herzegovina since 2014, where they are accused of committing several serious acts, from the murders of Vladimir Macar, Boris Govedarica and Zoran Golub, the attempted murder of Zdralo, as well as several armed robberies, according to the portal.
