Darija Kisić Tepavčević: “The fight against the crown virus is MORE IMPORTANT THAN THE CONSPIRACY THEORIES!” | Society


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04. May 2020. 23:59 |

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According to her, the only way to guarantee 100% immunity is a vaccine that does not yet exist and that the professional public eagerly awaits.

Based on the numerous conspiracy theories that are spreading about the new corona virus, fighting it is more important, says Darija Kisić Tepavčević, a crisis staff member for the fight against Kovid 19.

Stories that the virus was produced in the laboratory or that it “accidentally” escaped from it have been spreading since the start of the epidemic in China, and in recent weeks the theory has emerged that it was created with the aim of inserting chips in the vaccine. over a 5G network.

Commenting on those theories, Darija Kisić Tepavčević says that any previous research has shown that the virus has a natural origin, although he adds that there will certainly be more research.

Conspiracy theories: a consequence of long isolation

– At this time, the most important thing for us is to fight the virus. As for conspiracy theories, people had a lot of time during isolation, they tried to read as much as possible about the virus, so various theories were developed. Right now, we should think about it, but only how to prevent the spread of the virus, advises the doctor.

Referring to the first investigation into the collective immunity of Serbian citizens, which started in Serbia, Darija Kisić Tepavčević says that it will be of great importance for further planning of measures to fight Kovid 19, especially if there is a second wave of the epidemic .

If the results show that at least 60 percent of citizens have acquired immunity, although the probability of that is not high, explains Kisić Tepavčević, that would mean that there are no more conditions for the epidemic spread of the disease.

Collective immunity research is important for the second wave of the epidemic.

According to her, the research carried out by the Faculty of Medicine in Belgrade will be carried out on a representative sample by a certain random selection method. The observation unit will be the home, the family, which will first be informed on how to carry out the investigation.

– If they agree to participate in the research, they will be informed to come to the closest institution where they will complete three questionnaires. After that, they take 6 to 10 milliliters of blood, and after the examination, all study participants will be informed if they and their relatives have acquired immunity when it comes to this infection, explains our interlocutor.

She notes that the virus has been around the world for only four months and that there are many unknowns, but that despite sporadic claims that there have been recurrences from people who have already contracted it, the probability of its occurrence is very small and mostly on people with some immunodeficiency conditions.

– We do not even know how long immunity to the disease lasts, but some research shows that it is at least 18 months – declares the crisis staff member and adds that one of the characteristics of the disease is that most people contract it without any symptoms.

That is exactly the reason why, says Darija Kisić Tepavčević, it is important to investigate collective immunity, which has exceptional practical value. When we receive the data, we will be able to correct the measures if necessary, and we will know how ready we are to enter the fall when a new wave of the epidemic is expected, says the doctor.

However, according to her, the only way to guarantee 100% immunity is a vaccine that does not yet exist and that the professional public eagerly awaits. If it occurs, and when it does, the difference from seasonal flu vaccination, according to the doctor, will be that children will not be in the first group to which vaccination is recommended, because, unlike the flu, they have mild or no symptoms.

Children will not wear masks in kindergartens.

In making recommendations for the period following the abolition of the state of emergency, the crisis staff member points out that older citizens should not relax after a long period of self-isolation, and younger ones, who yearned for their parents, should stay with them, avoiding long and close contacts.

– In this short time, we get used to shaking hands, and we think that it could hardly happen. The touches and kisses will come back to us soon, but we need to be a little more patient so we don’t learn the hard way, says Darija Kisić Tepavčević.

When it comes to kindergartens that open May 11, she explains that it’s important to do a thorough cleaning and disinfection first, and then evaluate all educators. It is recommended to do as many outdoor activities as possible, and children are not planned to wear masks or are not prevented from playing together, so there is no danger of children experiencing this period traumaticly, according to the doctor. .

According to the announcements, the state of emergency and, therefore, the curfew will be lifted from Thursday. The Serbian Government has already agreed with the initiative to send such a proposal to the National Assembly for a declaration.

