14.12.2020. 17:15 – 14.12.2020. 17:27
In practice, these are two groups of measures: the first, which is already in force and valid until Tuesday, December 15, and the second, which refers to the entry of our citizens and foreigners into Serbia.

Crisis headquarters, Photo: Tanjug
After the session, a member of the crisis staff, Darija Kisić Tepavčević, addressed the audience.
– The prohibition of the operation of all facilities is maintained until 5 in the afternoon, with the exception of grocery stores, pharmacies and gas stations. A mandatory PCR test is being introduced for all foreign nationals from December 20 to January 10, and this also applies to our citizens. If they do not have that proof, they must remain in home isolation for ten days. As for holidays, so far there are no new restrictions, but the doctor appealed to citizens to adhere to preventive measures. No one will go from house to house and control, but it is in everyone’s interest to be healthy – Kisić Tepavčević said.
The previous measure, that all catering facilities and most shops operate until 5 in the afternoon and do not work on weekends, has been extended until Friday, December 18, and then it will be decided whether they will be toughened.
– All restrictive measures that have been in effect so far will be in effect until Friday, December 18, after which we will meet again and see if we introduce additional measures or change existing ones. – Kisić Tepavčević said.
The former, it is almost certain, should last at least two or three weeks, which would mean that cafes, restaurants, nightclubs, but also numerous shopping centers could only be open until 5 in the afternoon during the week, and on weekends. week they would remain open. closed.
This would mean practically banning any kind of massive New Years Eve in clubs, taverns, rafts …
– People want all this to go away and I understand it, but it is there and it is not realistic for it to disappear by the new year and it is not realistic to plan a reception and hope it will be without measures. The measures most likely exist, either the same or even more stringent, we’ll see, said a crisis staff member, Dr. Predrag Kon, a few days ago.
Will you celebrate the welcome of next year in the warmth of your home?
Other measures concern the introduction of a mandatory negative PCR test for everyone coming from abroad.
– Negative PCR test, no longer than 48 hours, and those who do not have it, must be in quarantine for 10 days. It is safer to apply what is already being applied in Europe. There will be green lists, in which there will be some countries like Finland, which is the best, Estonia … – Dr. Branislav Tiodorović stated for RTS and added that “more efficient measures will have to be adopted to achieve the goal and enter into a better Holidays “.
Since some measures were introduced a long time ago, and some have changed in the meantime, it is worth remembering the most important ones that should be valid until the new year.
The measures to wear masks were among the first at the beginning of the third wave. Masks are mandatory indoors, while outdoors is recommended, except when the crowd cannot be avoided outdoors: in the queues in front of the bank, the post office, at the intersection …
Among the measures that are constantly mentioned and that are also valid from the beginning of the third wave is maintaining distance. Thus, during their stay in public places, there must be a distance of one and a half meters between those gathered, that is, each person must occupy at least four square meters, the decision of the Government of Serbia is from mid-October.
Up to five people
At the beginning of November, the decision was made to reduce to five the previous measure of banning gatherings of 30 people, but at public events. As explained, this measure does not apply to the workplace and schools, but also to public transport, as well as cafes and restaurants, cinemas or theaters, where special rules apply.
Self insulating
One of the measures that is actively in force is the self-isolation measure. It implies that patients who are infected and do not present significant symptoms must be in self-isolation or home treatment. On the other hand, for those who have an infected person at home, this measure is at the recommendation level.
PCR / karantin
To enter Serbia, a PCR test is currently required for foreign nationals who come only from North Macedonia, Bulgaria, Romania and Croatia.
However, as announced by our epidemiologists, the truth is that before the New Year holidays a negative PCR test will probably be mandatory for both our citizens and foreigners from abroad. Otherwise, they will be quarantined and isolated until testing.
They don’t work on weekends
Restaurants, cafes, bars, clubs, as well as game rooms and bookmakers close on weekdays at 5pm, while on weekends they are closed. This measure also applies to shopping centers, hair and beauty salons, beauty salons, gyms, gyms and gyms, spas and swimming pools.
Shops until 9 pm
All the facilities that sell food, kiosks and kiosks work every day, unlike most other activities. However, there is a limitation for them, and that is that they have to close at 9 pm every day.
Work from home
Allow work from home to all employees whose work process allows it – this measure, which took effect at the end of November, is accurately read.
– The aim is that people do not make contacts and ease the transport of the city – said the then Minister of Health, Zlatibor Lončar.
Online teaching
The measure that generated the most controversy among citizens is undoubtedly the one related to schools. Elementary school fifth through eighth grade students, as well as high school students, were sent to online classes. Only the youngest students in grades 1 through 4 remained in schools.
However, all students will be on winter break after Friday, December 18th.
No audience
The sports season in most sports is largely underway, and one of the first decisions was certainly to ban spectators from sports stadiums, both outdoors and indoors.
State of emergency, quarantine, curfew
– We do not need a false populism, if it continues like this, the Crisis Staff will have to think about introducing a state of emergency and a curfew – said Dr. Branislav Tiodorović, member of the Crisis Staff for the fight against the covids.
Dr. Predrag Kon confirmed shortly thereafter that this is a realistic option, which everyone would like to avoid.
– When the state of emergency was introduced in Serbia at the beginning of the epidemic, I said that this measure saved 1,000 people. Some doubted then, but now it is clear to all. Then it was the end of winter and the beginning of spring, an ideal situation to transmit the virus, similar to the current one – explains Dr. Kon.
The effects were seen almost immediately.
– That is, hand to heart, the most effective measure. The medical side of the crisis staff mainly insists that all measures, such as meetings of up to five people, are respected. So any celebration of more than five people is a violation to the extent. We insist that there should be no social gatherings for the holidays, if there is no other way, the state must solve the problem and introduce measures that solve that problem – said Dr. Kon and noted that there is “the issue of human rights and the system to introduce curfews. “.