Darija Kisić revealed on Jutarnji’s list when the corona virus test will be free



05/15/2020 08:59 – 05/15/2020. 09:09

Darija Kisić Tepavčević

Darija Kisić Tepavčević, Photo: Print screen

Darija Kisić is a guest of the morning program Pink TV where she revealed when the free test for the corona virus will be carried out.

– Everything is certain that if the corona virus survives, it will appear in the season when the common flu.

Self-isolation measures have yielded results, a part of the population has been preserved.

– Even if you listen to me, I think I’m boring. These measures definitely have an effect. I wouldn’t even jokingly support Nestorović’s statement that we should all go out and get involved. We can’t even look at those absolute numbers, I note that we tested a large number of people who belong to the risk group. When it comes to general preventive measures, they are incredibly important. Banks, post offices, public transportation, people have to wear masks in those places. You don’t even need to wear a mask outside, it’s impossible to get infected in passing, especially if you’re sitting with your family in a restaurant, so you can’t even do it, you’re already spending time with those people. We start from the fact that the most important thing for us is the health, ours and that of our loved ones, and that you will act accordingly.


– It is inconvenient to make plans for the summer. During the epidemic, it is not very good to give any recommendation. That plexiglass, or time to go overboard, is just for fun. The objective of all countries is not to drag the infection reservoir towards them, since triage orientation is a test, which does not take more than 72 hours. Again, a person may be tested during the incubation period and then found to be infected with the coronavirus, Daria notes.

If someone wants to stop self-isolation, they have to pay for the coronavirus test themselves. The tests are free for children and students, Darija Kisić said, adding that this will also apply to commercial travel.
