Darija Kisi Tepavevi announced the figure of Dr. Tiodorov VIDEO


Belgrade – Many expected the spread of the coronavirus in the world to stop, but that did not happen. We don’t know much yet, says Dr. Darija Kisi Tepavevi.

Source: B92

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She, as a guest on the television show “150 minutes”, said that we can all see how explosively the coronavirus spreads. We do not know anything about the duration of immunity after illness, we have cases of virus recurrence for the third time, added the Crisis tab member.

“We are tapping on the spot, we don’t know many facts, we know a lot … The virus is spreading unhindered, the level of immunity of the world population is not sufficient,” he said, adding that preventive measures are very important. and they should be followed until there is a vaccine. in general application, which are masks and physical distancing.

All other measures, as Dr. Kisi Tepavevi said, come down to poisoning, that is, it all comes down to restricting movement, that is, not coming into contact with an infected person.

When asked if the exact number presented today by epidemiologist Dr. Branislav Tiodorovi, who said that more radical measures would be introduced in Serbia when 1,500 newcomers are reached in 24 hours, he said the number of 1,500 was arbitrary and that it was the limit beyond which measurements can be lifted.

“I am not a supporter of criminal policy for infectious diseases, but these measures had to be introduced. I cannot specify whether they will be introduced or not, but we cannot let the virus spread and the system fill up,” said Dr. Kisi . Tepavevi.

“We are preparing for the worst, and we hope we can prevent a major spread of the virus,” he said, saying that he knew the fact is that everyone was tired of this and that we all wanted to get our lives back.
