Darija drove her colleagues in the Government of Serbia crazy



10.30.2020. 07:00 – 30.10.2020. 07:28

If among the members of the Government of Serbia there were those who did not take the coronavirus epidemic seriously, were not afraid or took the prescribed protective measures lightly, that is no longer the case as of Wednesday!

Darija Kisić Tepavčević

Darija Kisić Tepavčević, Photo: Hello / V. Marković

Dr. Darija Kisić Tepavčević, his new colleague, the Minister of Labor, Employment, Veterans and Social Affairs, took care of that.

According to our government source, during the all-day stay of the ministers in the Assembly, where they were sworn in, the newly appointed minister took every opportunity to explain to her colleagues how dangerous the virus is and advised them how to save themselves.

– It was not harsh, on the contrary, he spoke very subtly about it, but after his words, some went crazy and it seems that they wanted to put on two masks to protect themselves as much as possible – says our source.

The minister showed that day with his personal example how to behave during a pandemic.

In the parking lot in front of the Assembly, he met his new colleague Nikola Selaković, they did not shake hands, but instead saluted each other. They spoke briefly and both wore masks the entire time, even though they were outdoors.
