Danica has worked as a BABY GUIDE IN BELGRADE for 10 years – parents need to understand


When my sister asked if I would like to help her colleague with childcare, I accepted because I had a new experience and, in addition to my studies, I needed pocket money. Here, I have worked as a babysitter in Belgrade for ten years, and this is my experience: With those words, Danica introduced me to the conversation, who dedicated a whole decade to babysitting, building trust with parents and taking care of the little ones.

Danica Janković lives in Belgrade and studies at the Faculty of Philosophy. She took the babysitting job due to a new experience, but soon realized that this “chore” is much more than babysitting while the parents are not there.

– This is a job that is mostly done illegally, it rarely happens that a family wants to report it. So you don’t have any normal employment rights, but this is about how you will negotiate with your family. When you’re sick, you have to pay for everything out of your own pocket, because you don’t have insurance – says Danica at first.

Danica Jankovic

Photo: Private archive

Danica Jankovic

As he himself says, at the beginning, it is important to accept the fact that you do not have a permanent workday. Adaptation is the word that best describes the babysitter, and additional work is often done. Danica points out that for this reason, it is urgent to establish an initiative that works on the issue of labor rights of nannies / nannies.

I asked Danica how different families really are and if adjusting to them is frustrating, and she had an answer ready.

– I would highlight three categories of families:

Single mothers who need help. It happens that because of their situation, they may set aside less money and then their neighbors or someone from a larger family and a student come to their aid. Then the middle class, the most represented and often cooperates with them in this business. And those richer families, I didn’t have any kind of cooperation with them – says Danica.

A babysitter’s day

If you’ve ever thought work is easy, maybe a babysitter’s day idea will make you change your mind. My interlocutor says that working with children also depends on their age, but somehow it always ends up with some household chores.

– You arrive 15 minutes before, with your parents, most of the time you agree with your mothers about the obligations for that day. You wake the children up and make breakfast for them, clean the children’s room, then if the family has more children, you take a child to kindergarten / school, come back and then put another child to sleep, make a snack and then when the child wakes up, you feed him and go for a walk and park.

Danica Jankovic

Photo: Private archive

Danica Jankovic

When you come back sleep again and tidy up the house and of course lunch then someone will help you bring the child from kindergarten / school or you will leave. One thing is for sure, you are constantly active, explains the woman from Belgrade.

“Don’t be afraid to ask for more money for your work”

– Our society must become aware. The job of a nanny is a job like any other and you need to achieve normal working conditions and therefore finances, says Danica, adding:

– I would like to draw the attention of parents to understand that if they choose a decent offer because you have a satisfied babysitter, then you have satisfied children, because a happy person works with them who will work even harder. I want to tell the babysitters to appreciate their time and work and that it is quite good to have your own rate and conditions, this is a job that you will always find, do not be afraid to ask for more.

Unlike many other jobs, the corona virus pandemic hasn’t had much of an impact on babysitters. Also, the work is constant and there is no winter. Danica is in contact with many girls who do the same job and the impression is monotonous.

Danica Jankovic

Photo: Private archive

Danica Jankovic

– The girls I am in contact with are still engaged in this business, so far there have been no major problems due to the crown, because the families still need help. Will it continue like this? It simply depends on what this pandemic will “bring” to everyone in commercial terms.

Whether you’re doing this job out of curiosity, experience, or for some other reason, Danica believes that one thing should always be kept in mind.

– This is a job that brings many beautiful things, because working with children is very inspiring, creative and cruelly honest. It brought me patience, security, faith in beauty, being a psychologist and pedagogue, and being a child from time to time. The only downside is that those 10 years of my experience in which I wrote a CV is not something that someone considers important for the job. This business is not competitive in the market. Still, there is something that binds me to this job forever.

– There is no better feeling when your mothers spontaneously send you to thank you because you participated in the development of someone and that the child is now from Vukovar and enrolls in the school he wanted. Moms are always your support and that feminine solidarity, helping is another plus for me because this work is beautiful. You become friends for the rest of your life with both children and adults – Danica concluded.
