DANICA GRUJIČIĆ SAID WHY SHE WILL NOT YET RECEIVE THE VACCINE: She also explained why the vaccine should not be administered to a patient undergoing radiation.


At first, Grujicic noted that about 300 employees of the Institute of Oncology received the vaccine against the KOVID-19 virus.

– Most of the workers received the Pfizer vaccine, a little less “Sputnik V”, since there was less of that vaccine. About 100 more employees will be vaccinated today. Regarding cancer patients, we have posted a notice on the site, at the suggestion of colleagues in Great Britain, for all those who are in a calm phase and who do not have an active disease or treatment so that they can receive the vaccine. Patients undergoing therapy, going for radiation, or before surgery should speak with their doctor or oncologist, Kalarka says.

He explained why it makes no sense to vaccinate a person whose immunity is impaired by the therapies.

– If someone receives chemotherapy, their immune system is declining, immunosuppressed, giving vaccines in such a phase is shooting in vain, the patient gets sick because they do not have a strong enough immune system – says this expert.

Danica Grujicic then explained why she will not get vaccinated with her employees now.

– I think that those of us who have enough antibodies, who are protected, should leave the vaccine to those who have not had the virus or do not have antibodies. I hope that protection lasts for me. They are doing antibody tests and I think I will lose them in March and then I will get vaccinated – Grujicic explained.

The director said that although there was a delay in the diagnosis of some tumors, one thing that helped the crown was the early detection of lung tumors.

– In lung scans, due to kovid, a large number of asymptomatic lung tumors were discovered, which began their treatment on time – concluded the doctor.

We remind you that Danica Grujicic was already infected with the COVID-19 virus last summer.

He once said he would receive only the vaccine that passes our Drug Agency tests.

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