Danica Grujicic reveals the dangers of the third wave: That’s what drives me crazy … (VIDEO)



12.30.2020. 15:55

The director of the Institute of Oncology, Dr. Danica Grujicic, spoke about the third wave of the corona virus and the hidden dangers.

Danica Grujicic

Photo: Screen Print / Pink

Definitely the disease exists and it is very dangerous. What irritates me as a physician, to say the least, is knowing and anticipating when the patient’s condition will worsen. There are 40 years of experience, but here it is absolutely unpredictable who will endanger life or suffer symptoms like the ones I had. All hospitalized people are in danger of death, all 9,300. There are people who push quite well and suddenly put their lives in danger. We lost a woman who was supposed to come home. Some have a heart attack, some have lungs, but literally everyone who has been lying down for at least a week should listen to what the doctor told them. You’re talking to a man today, in five minutes he … That’s what drives me crazy and I really think it’s a matter of immunity. – Said the doctor on TV Pink.

Dr. Grujicic also explained why she sometimes has a higher tone towards her colleagues, especially during long operations.

– There is someone’s brother, someone’s sister, husband, wife on the table … It is normal for concentration to drop when the operation lasts a long time and I tried when I say in a low voice, nobody hears me, then I scream and everyone concentrates. Of course, there is some timeless music in the background, because I’m an old guard. When you have very difficult operations, when there is a possibility that the patient will not wake up or hurt him and will be disabled for life, it is very important to be focused. I have that opportunity, I can dedicate myself fully to what I see under the microscope. The whole team should be like this, it’s not worth it if I do it. No conversation, no story – says Dr. Grujicic and adds that she has always been like this, even when she was younger.
