DANICA GRUJIČIĆ HONESTLY ABOUT DOCTOR NESTOROVIĆ: Who does not understand that, better be quiet, any criticism of him is shameful


Speaking about cancer, he noted that many innovative cancer drugs have been included in the list, but that genetic analysis of tumors is very important.

– Many innovative drugs have been included in the list. But what patients need to understand is that genetic testing of tumors is very important. If you don’t have a gene that is affected by that drug, there is no point in taking the drug just because you read somewhere that it is effective because you have 1 percent of the cells. When you have 50 percent of the cells, you will get a drug and that drug will have a great effect. It is for melanoma and lung tumors, now we are fighting for other locations as well. Also, what we need to keep in mind is that a lot of money has been spent on kovid and that we need to be patient because that is the reality we have to deal with, says Dr. Grujicic.

Grujicic also spoke about a new strain of the corona virus that appeared in Britain and later in other European countries.

– I think it is the same virus, only that it mutated, and the question is whether the virus coincided with the common flu epidemic. I have no information about the new virus strain and clinical pictures, so I cannot discuss the details. I do not think anything more radical is happening than what is currently happening and as far as this virus is concerned – he said.

He also revealed whether he will receive the corona virus vaccine.

– I still have antibodies so I do not need a vaccine at this time, we will see how long that period will last. As far as the vaccine is concerned, it is very important that the public obtain all the information, and that everything is as transparent as possible, especially with regard to the covid vaccine, since there were many controversial issues in the world about the infection itself. I think it is fantastic that Serbia has all the vaccines and that the citizens have the freedom of choice that they want to receive. I don’t like to raise the issue of the vaccination passport and I see it as a form of totalitarianism. Based on everything I saw, I give Sputnik V the biggest advantage and hope we can start production at ‘Torlak’, says the doctor.

It says about Dr. Branimir Nestorović that he is a phenomenal man and a doctor, and that they think similarly on many subjects.

– Bane is, above all, a phenomenal man and doctor. There is no doctor who has not sent his patients to him, that is the best proof of what kind of doctor he is. And everyone knows that any criticism of him and his knowledge of medicine is shameful. And I can understand the laymen who comment in one way or another, but not the doctors, because it is well known who Branimir Nestorović is in medicine.

– Yes, we often think similarly about many things, I think it is someone who reads a lot, and sees the medicine beforehand. What you are talking about is the future of medicine. His charisma and accessibility are great, he knows how to approach an ordinary concerned man and that is why people trust him. And I am glad that after all that persecution on him, the confidence of the people has not diminished, it seems to me that he is greater than ever. We shouldn’t regret or celebrate, Bane, thank goodness there, and I’m glad he’s often in public. Whether you will address yourself as a crisis staff member or as a physician is completely irrelevant. But we must not forget what some people have done throughout their careers and spit on them lightly. To me, Bane is a friend and someone he believes knows the knowledge of medicine fantastically – concluded Dr. Grujicic, whose support for Branimir Nestorovic attracted much public attention.


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