DANGEROUS TREND IN SERBIA! Criminals carry out a robbery with FALSE POLICE INSIGNIA, intimidate and smuggle drugs …


DANGEROUS TREND IN SERBIA!  Criminals carry out a robbery with FAKE POLICE BADGES, intimidate and smuggle drugs ...

Photo: Zorana Jevtić, Private Archives

More and more criminals in Serbia have some kind of police badge, which are true copies of the originals or are legally obtained from police unions. Experts estimate that the ID cards, which resemble those worn by MUP members, have about 10,000 civilians in their pockets, most of which are on the other side of the law.

As our interlocutors point out, the union badge can be awarded to anyone who joins, donates money or becomes your friend.

Nineties problem

Criminologist Dobrivoje Radovanović says that this problem has existed in Serbia since the 1990s.

– At that time, prominent criminals received credentials from the DB and the police. This started to get in the way a few years later when the fight against organized crime began. Some still kept the badges, some bought new ones, says Radovanović and continues:

correct mark
correct markphoto: Printscreen Prva TV

– There are people who falsify plates well, while some criminals also obtain union plates. They can fool the inexperienced eye, because they are very similar to the real eye, they come in leather packaging, and the difference is that underneath it says “unionist”. This does not mean that someone is a police officer, although their wish is to leave the impression of an inspector or to avoid being arrested by the police.

Arrest of a Porsche shooter with a fake police badge
Arrest of a “Porsche” shooter with a fake police badge photo: Courier

In a month, two cases upset the Zvezdara investor In the past month, sadly, two cases of plate abuse were reported to the public. Thus, at the end of November, MA (28) was arrested in Belgrade, who hit another driver and shot him in the air for hitting in traffic, and when the police came to arrest him, they found a police badge, which he received from a union as an honorary member. . This badge is incredibly reminiscent of the original and, at first glance, few would realize that this badge is not real.

The second case occurred on Saturday, when two men knocked on the door of the investor SP’s apartment (39) in Zvezdara. – The man opened it, they showed a police badge and they entered the apartment. Then the SP and his sister were tied up and 100,000 euros stolen, which the SP withdrew from the bank the day before. It is suspected that the investor is typified, that is. that someone denounced the robbers who had taken money from the bank – says the source and adds that the police are looking for two robbers.

Boza Spasic, a former DB operative, says citizens use credentials not to pay for traffic violations, to show off in society, but also for much more serious events.

Right Royal Police Badge and Union Insignia ...
Right Royal Police Badge and Union Insignia … photo: Private Archive

Part of the picture

– They are part of the image of the criminals, so they are the property of the owners of the clubs, members of the security, because in this environment, the badge means that they have their own police. This is a very dangerous trend, because gangsters use them not to be stopped and controlled while driving drugs or weapons, but also to cross the border, because when you show a police officer a badge that is identical to the real one, rare Nobody ever checks a colleague – says Spasic.

Fake IDs

“Skaljarci”, “kavcani” and fans have badges

According to unofficial information, up to 100 members of the Kavač and Škaljar clan have police badges.

– It is true that they have them, and that is the case of some members of the Partizan fan factions, why the proof is that some call them “značkatraz” – said criminologist Zlatko Nikolić as a guest on the morning program of TV Prva . His colleague Dobrivoje Radovanović also says that the leaders of the fans have false badges.

– The most serious criminals do not wear union insignia, but plagiarism of the real ones. Fake license plates that even say they are policemen and have a registration number are owned by the leaders of fan groups, individuals who fight with the police and serious actors in the drug business – he explains.

Although the issuance of union credentials is not illegal, criminologists believe that the Home Office should stand in the way of this trend by passing a special regulation on the issuance of credentials, on who we can use, display and display, and how they will look. .

Spasic believes criminals are abusing badges
Spasic believes criminals are abusing badgesphoto: Marina Lopicic

Stevan Djokic, a former police officer and now security adviser, says there is no mechanism to monitor people who receive such badges.

Stevan Đokić
Stevan Đokić photo: Instagram

Varied price list

– Nobody defends the issuance of a union badge. It can be earned by working in a union or with a donation – Đokić said on the “Pulse of Serbia” program on Kurir TV: – We ask for a change, but there are 24 registered unions in Serbia, and even 18 of them have their own badges as well. yes the members are still controlled. According to our sources, civilians can get union credentials if they pay for lunch or donate money, while forged credentials, depending on the quality and fidelity to the original, range between 250 and 5,000 euros.

(Kurir.rs/ Jelena Ivic / Photo: Printscreen Prva TV, Marina Lopicic)

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Author: delivery courier
