Danger lurks in pools and concerts, SECOND WAVES AT THE END OF 2020.


The return of 25,000 of our holiday tourists from abroad may affect the increase in the number of infected during this month. In addition, the beginning of the school year can bring with it certain risks in terms of contagion, with the fact that the number of patients is directly related to non-compliance with the measures, the epidemiologist professor told “Blic”. Dr. Branislav Tiodorović.

He warns that the situation during September and next month may worsen slightly precisely due to the return of the summer holidays, as well as the arrival of students returning to university centers, including those in the region.

Photo: Slobodan Miljevic / Tanjug

– Everyone who comes to Serbia should be aware that they are at risk, so it would be nice to find yourself in some kind of domestic isolation. Whether returning from vacation or coming from one place to another, we should all be in the habit of taking care of ourselves and others. Students who come from those territories where the epidemiological situation is worse in relation to our country, it is important to respect the measures and be careful. This certainly does not refer only to those who come, but to the entire population, because the application and respect of the measures is extremely important for the suppression of the virus, explains Professor Tiodorović.

During the month of August, a large number of people decided to spend their holidays in Croatia or Albania, where a higher number of infected people is registered in this period. Furthermore, our citizens who spend the summer in Serbia, in spas or in the mountains, should have been more careful to respect the measures, wear protective masks and respect the distance.

– We have examples when a large number of people who do not adhere to the measures meet in the same place, be it a swimming pool or a place where a musical event is held. Do not wear masks, or keep a distance, for those things, for the meetings we can make a jump in the number of infected. People are eager to have fun, young people in particular, for a more relaxed demeanor, but every gathering carries risk. The virus is there and we must be aware of it at all times – says Professor Tiodorović.

With the arrival of autumn, a new wave is announced, and its intensity will depend on whether and to what extent it will be repressed in the southern hemisphere.

– We can expect the second wave at the end of this or even at the beginning of next year. We do not expect surprises, we will be ready to welcome you in every way, because now we already have a certain experience that helps us fight the virus – explained Professor Tiodorović.

Dr. Predrag KonPhoto: Slobodan Miljevic / Tanjug

Dr. Predrag Kon

The epidemiological situation has stabilized at a low level, however, the epidemiologist and member of the crisis staff for the control of Covid-19 infection, Dr. Predrag Kon, warns that in Belgrade in the last two days there is a clear increase in the number of those who present at the Kovid clinic. As he explained, the happy circumstance is that many people do not confirm the coronavirus, but other respiratory infections, but, as he himself says, that is also a cause for concern.

– Precisely for this reason, I constantly insist that the situation is uncertain and that we must constantly take care not to spoil it, not to make it worse – Kon said.

As the epidemiologist points out, at this time we must not relate the jump in the number of infected with the start of school, because everything was done so that there was no transmission.

– It is true that it will appear, as it has already happened. What is important to highlight are secondary schools, where the children are between 15 and 19 years old. I say this for the first time, that this is the age at which you usually get sick – said Kon for RTS.

Also, as he said, there are student residences, which are now diluted by the fact that classes are divided online, but student residences are also places of risk of virus transmission. The epidemiologist added that schools should not be closed at all, unless there is a massive disease outside of them, when it is practically impossible to control, and that is the only situation where schools should connect.

Serbia is the most tested in the region

Since the first case of the virus was registered on March 6, until today, six months later, we have reached the number of 974,411 people examined, which means that Serbia performs the most tests in the region. The sudden spike in testing came on July 19, when we tested nearly half a million residents in just over a month.

VIDEO: Kon: The toilets are the responsibility of the city, you have to see the control, going to Ada is an additional risk
