According to neighbor Kljajićevo, a passenger car collided with the municipal car, which Damjanović was driving, in the opposite direction, and its driver was slightly injured.
Damjanović, with fractures of the cervical vertebrae, legs and ribs and internal injuries, was rushed from Sombor hospital to the Serbian Clinical Center in Belgrade.
The accident occurred on the main road that runs through the main street of Sivac, from where Damjanović, who lives in this town, took Kosovska Street, to take a colleague, an employee of the Municipal Administration, to work.
Another actor in the accident stated that he could not avoid the collision, because Damjanović’s car was turning on the road and cut him off. The driver of the third car in the chain collision was unharmed and his vehicle was the least damaged.

Photo: TT
Damjanović is presumed to have fallen ill while driving, which is why he lost control of the vehicle. He was pulled out of the car in a semi-conscious state by police officers and workers of Sivac’s “Radnik” utility company.
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